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Sample GSM62962 Query DataSets for GSM62962
Status Public on Jul 05, 2006
Title right atrium, obese 3-lean 4
Sample type RNA
Channel 1
Source name right atrium, obese-3
Organism Rattus norvegicus
Characteristics Strain : SHHF, Gender: Male, Age: 10 months old, Tissue: right atrium, Other: hypertension, metabolic syndrom, dilated cardiomyopathy starting from 10 months old
Biomaterial provider Charles River laboratory
Treatment protocol None
Growth protocol Animals were lodged in the Zootechnic service of the Louis Bugnard Institute. A veterinary oversees animal health and management. Temperature : 22 +/- 1 degrees. Cycles nights/days : 12 hours. Food : Teklad Global 16% Protein Rodent Diet (Harlan)

Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol General anesthesia by Isoflurane 4%. Heart extraction. Isolation of total RNA from left ventricular by : TRIzol (Invitrogen), homogeneisor Ika Ultra-Thurax T 25 (Janke and Kunkel), DNAfree (Ambion). Quality and quantity were determined by capillary electrophoresis (Agilent).

Label Cy3
Label protocol Reverse Transcription of 5 µg total RNA from each right atrium with Superscript enzyme (Invitrogen). Using of Cy3-dCTP from Amersham Society

Channel 2
Source name right atrium, lean 4
Organism Rattus norvegicus
Characteristics Strain : SHHF, Gender: Male, Age: 10 months old, Tissue: right atrium, Other: hypertension, dilated cardiomyopathy starting from 14 months old
Biomaterial provider Charles River laboratory
Treatment protocol None
Growth protocol Animals were lodged in the Zootechnic service of the Louis Bugnard Institute. A veterinary oversees animal health and management. Temperature : 22 +/- 1 degrees. Cycles nights/days : 12 hours. Food : Teklad Global 16% Protein Rodent Diet (Harlan)

Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol General anesthesia by Isoflurane 4%. Heart extraction. Isolation of total RNA from left ventricular by : TRIzol (Invitrogen), homogeneisor Ika Ultra-Thurax T 25 (Janke and Kunkel), DNAfree (Ambion). Quality and quantity were determined by capillary electrophoresis (Agilent).

Label Cy5
Label protocol Reverse Transcription of 5 µg total RNA from each right atrium with Superscript enzyme (Invitrogen). Using of Cy5-dCTP from Amersham Society

Hybridization protocol kit Pronto plus System 6 (Corning Incorporated and Promega Corporation)

Scan protocol Scan with Genepix 4100 A (Axon Instrument). Image analysis by Genepix version 6 (Axon Instrument).

Description Lean rats can be homozygous or heterozygous for the leptin receptor gene (+/+ or cp/+, cp means corpulent allele and is a recessive autosomic one, + means wild type)
Data processing background subtraction, log transformation, normalization by total mean
Submission date Jul 04, 2005
Last update date Sep 22, 2005
Contact name Philippe V Rouet
Phone 00 33 5 31 22 41 19
Organization name INSERM U1048
Department Cardiology
Lab Team 7
Street address 1 Ave Jean Poulhes
City Toulouse
State/province BP84225
ZIP/Postal code 31432
Country France
Platform ID GPL2594
Series (1)
GSE2877 Impact of the obesity on the right atrium transcriptom of SHHF rats

Data table header descriptions
VALUE Normalized log ratio obese/lean
CH1_SIG_MEAN Raw Intensity from Obese
CH1_BKD_MEAN Raw Background from Obese
CH2_SIG_MEAN Raw Intensity from Lean
CH2_BKD_MEAN Raw Background from Lean

Data table
01A01 0.191891 151 60 195 73
01A02 1.09736 72 66 80 85
01A03 -0.0279171 454 70 952 98
01A04 0.087686 1098 77 1845 105
01A05 0.08303 390 80 638 104
01A06 0.101941 385 80 607 104
01A07 0.0562743 2410 88 4363 109
01A08 0.0565537 1245 98 2234 134
01A09 0.0695155 270 122 461 198
01A10 0.125177 805 70 1235 86
01A11 0.117968 3652 57 5786 72
01A12 -0.202558 315 41 970 59
01A13 0.025019 285 61 513 72
01A14 0.0411983 405 66 728 85
01A15 -0.0125872 325 73 650 109
01A16 0.00248904 675 77 1343 103
01A17 0.0989925 1525 85 2505 114
01A18 0.072711 1326 76 2304 99
01A19 0.079632 375 87 608 108
01A20 0.161767 3295 91 4722 118

Total number of rows: 28782

Table truncated, full table size 875 Kbytes.

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM62962.gpr.gz 1.9 Mb (ftp)(http) GPR

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