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Sample GSM647916 Query DataSets for GSM647916
Status Public on Jun 15, 2012
Title Dik-Vbar2f_Vbar2fx4-39_bar2-full-length_dikaryon_biological-replication_rep1
Sample type RNA
Source name mated mycelium, Vbar2fx4-39, compatible interaction, mycelium from the side of Vbar2f
Organism Schizophyllum commune
Characteristics developmental stage: dikaryon
strain(s): Vbar2f x 4-39
mating type loci: A3,5; Bnull::bar2 x A1,1; B3,2
genotype: Bnull::bar2
stage of clamp formation: mostly pseudoclamps
Treatment protocol Mycelium was harvested, frozen in liquid nitrogen and ground with mortar and pestle to a powder.
Growth protocol The S. commune strains were grown on solid medium (CYM) at 28°C. Mycelium of a mating interaction was transferred onto a cellophane membrane onto fresh CYM plates and grown for 3 days.
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol Total RNA was isolated from < 100 mg tissue powder using “Qiagen Rneasy plant mini kit” (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany), quality controlled with Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer, using RNA 6000 Nano Kit, and a NanoDropTM 1000 Spectrophotometer (Thermo Scientific).
Label biotin
Label protocol For each array 1 µg of total RNA was labeled using the MassageAmpTM-Biotin Enhanced RNA Kit from Ambion.
Hybridization protocol Hybridization was done automatically over night (16 hours) at 45°C using RT-Analyzer from febit. The biotin labeling was detected with streptavidinphycoerythrin (SAPE), in combination with Consecutive Signal Enhancement (CSE) procedure from febit.
Scan protocol The feature recognition, using Cy3 filter set, and signal calculation were done automatically within milliseconds using the Geniom RT Analyzer.
Description blanks (only one single “T” nucleotide) are used for background corrections
Data processing Background correction was performed using the intensities of blank probes which consist only of one single ”T” nucleotide. The median background intensity was subtracted from spot intensity. After converting any negative values to a low positive value (7), signal intensities were log2-transformed. The obtained data were processed using quantile normalization, and duplicate spots were averaged.
By R and Bioconductor computed log2 transformed and quantil normalized signal intensity
Submission date Jan 03, 2011
Last update date Jun 15, 2012
Contact name Erika Kothe
Organization name Friedrich-Schiller-University
Department Microbial Communication, Institute of Microbiology
Street address Neugasse 25
City Jena
ZIP/Postal code 07743
Country Germany
Platform ID GPL11376
Series (1)
GSE26401 Study of mating type genes and their roles in mating interactions of the basidiomycete Schizophyllum commune

Data table header descriptions
VALUE log2 quantile normalized signal intensity

Data table
100-102725-PM 5.5729
100-104082-PM 2.80735
100-104126-PM 6.21523
100-10509-PM 10.79619
100-106343-PM 10.15494
100-106399-PM 13.62256
100-107369-PM 12.20015
100-107464-PM 13.20818
100-108365-PM 8.59063
100-109952-PM 2.80735
100-110518-PM 10.95178
100-111536-PM 6.22273
100-111970-PM 10.82521
100-112606-PM 5.5729
100-113811-PM 11.11118
100-114558-PM 7.40097
100-114711-PM 10.35673
100-11693-PM 2.80735
100-12529-PM 9.401
100-12753-PM 11.07841

Total number of rows: 13441

Table truncated, full table size 280 Kbytes.

Supplementary data files not provided
Processed data included within Sample table

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