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Sample GSM675694 Query DataSets for GSM675694
Status Public on Feb 16, 2011
Title SIL_M0001_1Mb_aCGH
Sample type genomic
Channel 1
Source name Test, microdissected cervical squamous intraepithelial lesion
Organism Homo sapiens
Characteristics tissue: cervix
histopathological tumour grade: high grade squamous intraepithelial lesion
hpvtype: other
Growth protocol SCC cell lines were grown in 10% FCS + 90% GMEM + antibiotics
Extracted molecule genomic DNA
Extraction protocol gDNA was extracted using proteinase K phenol / choloroform method.
Label Cy3, Cy5
Label protocol gDNA was labelled using Invitrogen Bioprime aCGH labelling kit, according to manufactures protocols
Channel 2
Source name Ref, peripheral blood lymphocytes
Organism Homo sapiens
Characteristics reference: pooled random donor samples peripheral blood lymphocytes
Growth protocol SCC cell lines were grown in 10% FCS + 90% GMEM + antibiotics
Extracted molecule genomic DNA
Extraction protocol gDNA was extracted using proteinase K phenol / choloroform method.
Label Cy5, Cy3
Label protocol gDNA was labelled using Invitrogen Bioprime aCGH labelling kit, according to manufactures protocols
Hybridization protocol aCGH probes were hybridised to template slides according to Pennsylvania
Scan protocol Stringency washed array slides were scanned using an Axon 4100B microarray scanner
Description Dye swapped hybridisations. Filename suffix (e.g. Cy3 or Cy5) indicates Test gDNA dye. Ratios are always Test / Ref. Average Log 2 ratios were computed by inverting dye swapped values.
Data processing R using snapCGH bioconductor package
Mean pixel values are background subtracted, median normalized, with replicate spots averaged. Dye swapped experiments were inverted prior to combining, and averaging.
Dye swapped hybridisations. Filename suffix (e.g. Cy3 or Cy5) indicates Test gDNA dye. Ratios are always Test / Ref. Average Log 2 ratios were computed by inverting dye swapped values.
Submission date Feb 15, 2011
Last update date Feb 16, 2011
Contact name Ian Roberts
Phone 0044 1223 763 279
Organization name Hutchison MRC Research Centre
Department Cancer Cell Unit
Lab Coleman
Street address Hills Road
City Cambridge
ZIP/Postal code CB2 0XZ
Country United Kingdom
Platform ID GPL13176
Series (2)
GSE27331 Gain of the oncostatin M receptor in cervical squamous cell carcinoma is associated with adverse clinical outcome [penn1Mb data]
GSE27333 Gain of the oncostatin M receptor in cervical squamous cell carcinoma is associated with adverse clinical outcome

Data table header descriptions
VALUE average log2 normalized ratio test/ref

Data table
RP11-71L20 0.344457541
RP11-501A10 0.405489635
RP11-330C23 -0.017025067
RP11-424F11 0.125157967
RP11-309F8 -0.181441974
RP11-524P14 -0.086121956
RP11-500O4 0.323158966
RP11-509D1 0.473639249
RP11-354M13 0.235547136
RP11-454I4 0.910317783
RP11-541B22 -0.125505943
RP11-385E19 0.422545197
RP11-363O10 0.071314031
RP11-433F8 0.346602683
RP11-558C17 -1.339338354
RP11-521J23 0.312904653
RP11-289P9 -0.272558796
RP11-523P24 0.118903591
RP11-306D6 0.183625341
RP11-502B15 -0.419432768

Total number of rows: 4632

Table truncated, full table size 108 Kbytes.

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM675694_51M0001Cy3.gpr.gz 1.1 Mb (ftp)(http) GPR
GSM675694_52M0001Cy5.gpr.gz 1.1 Mb (ftp)(http) GPR
Processed data included within Sample table
Processed data are available on Series record

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