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Sample GSM680022 Query DataSets for GSM680022
Status Public on Nov 01, 2012
Title IL-17A 1
Sample type RNA
Source name HaCaT
Organism Homo sapiens
Characteristics cell line: HaCaT
cell type: keratinocytes
Treatment protocol samples were exposed to cytokines at 200ng/ml for 12h
Growth protocol HaCaT cells were grown in DMEM medium (1.5mM Ca), supplemented with 10% FCS, p/s and glu
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol Qiagen RNeasy Plus Mini Ki
Label biotin
Label protocol biotinylation of cRNA
Hybridization protocol HumanHT12 v.4 Expression BeadChip, 750ng of bitinylated cRNA used
Scan protocol Illumina iScan array scanner
Description replicate 1
Data processing Illumina' Genomestudio v.2010.1 with default settings
Submission date Feb 25, 2011
Last update date Nov 01, 2012
Contact name Stephen Taylor
Phone +44 1865 222640
Organization name CBRG
Street address Headington
City Oxford
ZIP/Postal code OX3 9DS
Country United Kingdom
Platform ID GPL10558
Series (1)
GSE27533 IL-17 downregulates filaggrin and affects epidermal barrier function gene expression; potential role in the pathogenesis of atopic eczema

Data table header descriptions
VALUE using the Bioconductor package 'lumi' lumiN and lumiT was used to normalize and transform the data

Data table
ILMN_1762337 7.561327002
ILMN_2055271 7.584902644
ILMN_1736007 7.247590298
ILMN_2383229 7.211702705
ILMN_1806310 7.266875881
ILMN_1779670 7.125532642
ILMN_1653355 7.493728183
ILMN_1717783 7.216165053
ILMN_1705025 7.355702104
ILMN_1814316 7.309008815
ILMN_2359168 7.179342579
ILMN_1731507 7.156288141
ILMN_1787689 7.423891883
ILMN_3241953 7.436180148
ILMN_1745607 7.321568936
ILMN_2136495 7.183238212
ILMN_1668111 7.253899257
ILMN_2295559 7.198390401
ILMN_1735045 7.332139178
ILMN_1680754 7.439767708

Total number of rows: 47230

Table truncated, full table size 1148 Kbytes.

Supplementary data files not provided
Processed data included within Sample table

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