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Sample GSM6913097 Query DataSets for GSM6913097
Status Public on Sep 06, 2023
Title Human meningioma, FFPE [AM19]
Sample type RNA
Source name Human meningioma, FFPE
Organism Homo sapiens
Characteristics disease: meningioma
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol Total RNA was extracted from frozen or FFPE meningioma tumor samples using Qiagen AllPrep or Qiagen FFPE RNAeasy kits.
Label n/a
Label protocol 200 ng of total RNA per sample was hybridized to barcoded reporter probes and biotin-conjugated capture probes from a custom codeset targeting genes of interest at 65C for 16 hours according to manufacturer instruction. Hybridization mixtures were washed and target/probe complexes were purified and bound to streptavidin coated cartridges.
Hybridization protocol 200 ng of total RNA per sample was hybridized to barcoded reporter probes and biotin-conjugated capture probes from a custom codeset targeting genes of interest at 65C for 16 hours according to manufacturer instruction. Hybridization mixtures were washed and target/probe complexes were purified and bound to streptavidin coated cartridges.
Scan protocol Cartridges were scanned on the nCounter Digital Analyzer with a FOV setting of 550
Description Nanostring nCounter
Data processing Samples here are unique meningiomas included in the study. Counts were positive control normalized using the spike-in positive control probes in the nSolver solftware, as per recommendations from the manufacturer (Nanostring).
Positive control normalized counts
Submission date Jan 03, 2023
Last update date Sep 06, 2023
Contact name William Chen
Organization name UCSF
Street address 1450 3rd Street, HD 402
City San Francisco
State/province CA
ZIP/Postal code 94158
Country USA
Platform ID GPL32994
Series (1)
GSE222054 Targeted gene expression panel for meningiomas

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM6913097_20220916_210140611223_Raleigh_07.RCC.gz 1.3 Kb (ftp)(http) RCC
Processed data are available on Series record

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