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Sample GSM6934737 Query DataSets for GSM6934737
Status Public on Oct 03, 2023
Title PPC126
Sample type SRA
Source name iPSC-derived pancreatic progenitor cells
Organism Homo sapiens
Characteristics library name: 07493f27-f1b4-4ad6-a3fd-a4419ad496f0
cell type: iPSC-derived pancreatic progenitor cells
time: day15
Growth protocol The iPSC lines were differentiated into PPCs using the STEMdiffTM Pancreatic Progenitor Kit (StemCell Technologies) protocol with minor modifications. Briefly, iPSC lines were thawed into mTeSR1 medium containing 10 µM Y-27632 ROCK Inhibitor (Selleckchem) and plated onto one well of a 6-well plate coated with Matrigel. iPSCs were grown until they reached 80% confluency 95 and then passaged using 2mg/ml solution of Dispase II (ThermoFisher Scientific) onto three wells of a 6-well plate (ratio 1:3). To expand the iPSC cells for differentiation, iPSCs were passaged a second time onto six wells of a 6-well plate (ratio 1:2). When the iPSCs reached 80% confluency, cells were dissociated into single cells using Accutase (Innovative Cell Technologies Inc.) and resuspended at a concentration of 1.85 x 106 cells/ml in mTeSR medium containing 10 µM Y-27632 ROCK inhibitor. Cells were then plated onto six wells of a 6-well plate and grown for approximately 16 to 20 hours to achieve a uniform monolayer of 90-95% confluence (3.7 x 106 cells/well; about 3.9 x 105 cells/cm2). Differentiation of the iPSC monolayers was initiated by the addition of the STEMdiffTM Stage Endoderm Basal medium supplemented with Supplement MR and Supplement CJ (2 ml/well) (Day 1, D1). The following media changes were performed every 24 hours following initiation of differentiation (2 ml/well). On D2 and D3, the medium was changed to fresh STEMdiffTM Stage Endoderm Basal medium supplemented with Supplement CJ. On D4, the medium was changed to STEMdiffTM Pancreatic Stage 2-4 Basal medium supplemented with Supplement 2A and Supplement 2B. On D5 and D6, the medium was changed to STEMdiffTM Pancreatic Stage 2-4 Basal medium supplemented with Supplement 2B. From D7 to D9, the medium was changed to STEMdiffTM Pancreatic Stage 2-4 Basal medium supplemented with Supplement 3. From D10 to D14, the medium was changed to STEMdiffTM Pancreatic Stage 2-4 Basal medium supplemented with Supplement 4. On D15, cells were dissociated with Accutase and then collected, counted, and processed for data generation. iPSC-PPC cells were cryopreserved in CryoStor® CS10 (StemCell Technologies) until sequencing.
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol RNA was isolated from total-cell lysates using the Quick-RNATM MiniPrep Kit (Zymo Research) with on-column DNAse treatments. RNA was eluted in 48 µl RNAse-free water and analyzed on a TapeStation (Agilent) to determine sample integrity. All iPSC-PPC samples had RNA integrity number (RIN) values over 9.
Illumina TruSeq Stranded mRNA libraries were prepared according to the manufacturer’s instructions and sequenced on NovaSeq6000 for 101bp paired-end sequencing.
Library strategy ssRNA-seq
Library source transcriptomic
Library selection cDNA
Instrument model Illumina NovaSeq 6000
Description Cells were collected at day 15 of differentiation for sequencing
Data processing RNA-seq reads were aligned with STAR (2.7.3) 101 to the hg19 reference using GENCODE version 34 hg1996 splice junctions with default alignment parameters and the following adjustments: -outFilterMultimapNmax 20, -outFilterMismatchNmax 999, -alignIntronMin 20, -alignIntronMax 1000000, -alignMatesGapMax.
We obtained common bi-allelic and exonic variants from the 1000 Genomes Phase 3 panel 103 with minor allele frequencies between 45% and 55% and predicted their genotypes in the 107 bulk RNA-seq samples using mpileup and call functions in BCFtools (1.9.0). Then, we used the genome command in plink to estimate the identity-by-state (IBS) between each pair of bulk RNA-seq and WGS samples. VCF containing WGS results for IPSCORE subjects were downloaded from dbGaP phs001325.v3.
TPM and relative isoform usage was estimated for each gene in each RNA-seq sample using RSEM (version 1.2.20) with the following options –seed 3272015 –estimate-rspd –paired-end –forward-prob.
Assembly: GENCODE hg39 version 34
Supplementary files format and content: rsem.genes.results - gene expression quantification
Supplementary files format and content: rsem.isoforms.results - isoform expression quantification
Supplementary files format and content: plink.genome - sample identity results from plink. Each sample is matched to the WGS sample with PI_HAT > 0.95.
Submission date Jan 14, 2023
Last update date Jun 07, 2024
Contact name Kelly Ann Frazer
Phone 650 288-9391
Organization name UC San Diego
Department Pediatrics
Lab Frazer
Street address 9500 Gilman Drive
City La Jolla
State/province CA
ZIP/Postal code 92093
Country USA
Platform ID GPL24676
Series (1)
GSE182758 eQTL mapping of fetal-like pancreatic progenitor cells
BioSample SAMN32738673

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM6934737_07493f27-f1b4-4ad6-a3fd-a4419ad496f0_plink.genome.gz 14.8 Kb (ftp)(http) GENOME
GSM6934737_07493f27-f1b4-4ad6-a3fd-a4419ad496f0_rsem.genes.results.gz 1.8 Mb (ftp)(http) RESULTS
GSM6934737_07493f27-f1b4-4ad6-a3fd-a4419ad496f0_rsem.isoforms.results.gz 3.8 Mb (ftp)(http) RESULTS
Processed data provided as supplementary file
Raw data not provided for this record

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