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Sample GSM7134046 Query DataSets for GSM7134046
Status Public on Mar 04, 2024
Sample type RNA
Source name FFPE IBDU
Organism Homo sapiens
Characteristics disease classification: IBDU_UC
age group: Pediatric
tissue: Mucosal tissue biopsies
Growth protocol Formalin fixed paraffin embedded tissue biopsies stored at room temperature
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol Total RNA was extracted using MagMAX™ FFPE DNA/RNA Ultra Kit from Applied Biosystems
Label biotin
Label protocol FlashTag Biotin HSR
Hybridization protocol Genechip Fluidics Station 450
Scan protocol Affymetrix GeneChip 7G scanner
Data processing analysis was done using RStudio with R version 4.2.2. Preprocessing were performed using robust multichip average (RMA) algorithm. Lowly expressed probe sets were removed, and batch correction was performed using ComBat batch correction.
Submission date Mar 30, 2023
Last update date Mar 04, 2024
Contact name Jaslin P James
Organization name Herlev hospital
Department Department of Pathology
Street address Borgmester Ib Juuls vej 1
City Herlev
ZIP/Postal code 2730
Country Denmark
Platform ID GPL19117
Series (1)
GSE228622 Short Noncoding RNAs as predictive biomarkers for the development from Inflammatory Bowel Disease Unclassified to Crohn’s Disease or Ulcerative Colitis

Data table header descriptions
VALUE log2 scale, RMA signal

Data table
14q0_st 0.917991759
14qI-1_st 1.595283869
14qI-1_x_st 1.169396394
14qI-2_st 0.943316568
14qI-3_x_st 1.103463752
14qI-4_st 1.151830274
14qI-4_x_st 1.06273632
14qI-5_st 0.956637703
14qI-6_st 0.972824754
14qI-7_st 2.300441327
14qI-8_st 1.037367266
14qI-8_x_st 1.464246244
14qI-9_x_st 0.841995529
14qII-1_st 4.714718074
14qII-1_x_st 4.72670763
14qII-10_st 0.850204682
14qII-11_st 0.79271744
14qII-12_st 1.887212304
14qII-12_x_st 1.672092122
14qII-13_st 1.428363318

Total number of rows: 36353

Table truncated, full table size 984 Kbytes.

Supplementary data files not provided
Processed data included within Sample table

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