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Sample GSM7164148 Query DataSets for GSM7164148
Status Public on May 01, 2024
Title MPRA, donor4
Sample type SRA
Source name Inflammatory (TPP) macrophages
Organisms Homo sapiens; synthetic construct
Characteristics cell type: Inflammatory (TPP) macrophages
donor: donor4
Growth protocol Monocytes were positively selected using CD14 Microbeads. Macrophage differentiation was performed using conditions that model chronic inflammation (TPP): 3 days GM-CSF (50ng/mL) followed by 3 days GM-CSF, TNFa (50ng/mL), PGE2 (1mg/mL), and Pam3CSK4 (1mg/mL). All cultures were performed at 37C, 5% CO2 in antibiotic-free RPMI1640 media containing 10% FBS, GlutaMAX, and MEM Non-Essential Amino Acids. On day 6 of culture, a minimum of 2x10^7 macrophages were harvested, counted, and nucleofected with the MPRA vector library (aliquots of 5x10^6 cells nucleofected with 5µg vector in 100 uL nucleofection buffer; Human Macrophage Nucleofection Kit, Lonza) using a Nucleofector 2b (Lonza, program Y-011).
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol Macrophages were detached using Accutase and were lysed. RNA was extracted from cell lysates using an AllPrep DNA/RNA Mini Kit (Qiagen).
Sequencing libraries were prepared by PCR (30 cycles) using PfuUltra II polymerase (Agilent) and custom primers that annealed to a site within EGFP (F) and the universal primer site in the oligonucleotide (R). Amplified libraries were cleaned using AMPure XP beads (Beckman Coulter): 0.6×, 1.6× and 1.0×. Four sequencing libraries were made from the input MPRA plasmid library (50ng vector, 18 PCR cycles). Libraries were sequenced in pools of 6.
Library strategy OTHER
Library source transcriptomic
Library selection other
Instrument model Illumina HiSeq 2500
Description 4TPP
Data processing Quality control was performed using FastQC (v0.11.9)
Barcode counts were generated using a Python script - to be counted a sequenced barcode had to be a perfect match for an oligonucleotide library barcode and be followed by at least 10 bases of the expected constant sequence (XbaI restriction site and GFP).
To be deemed a successful transfection, at least 70% of the oligonucleotide library had to be represented in the resulting count file (i.e. count >1).
Raw count data was filtered to remove barcodes with a median counts per million (cpm) < 1 in either the mRNA or DNA samples.
Barcode counts for identical constructs were collapsed (summed) and quantile normalized (normalize.quantiles function in preprocessCore package in R version 4.1.0)
Assembly: hg19
Supplementary files format and content: barcode_counts.txt is a tab-delimited text file containing the raw barcode count data for every sample; normalised_collapsed_constructs.txt is a tab delimited text file containing the filtered, quantile-normalized and collapsed count data for unique genomic constructs tested in the MPRA
Submission date Apr 12, 2023
Last update date May 01, 2024
Contact name James C Lee
Organization name The Francis Crick Institute
Lab Genetic Mechanisms of Disease
Street address The Francis Crick Institute, 1 Midland Rd
City London
ZIP/Postal code NW1 1AT
Country United Kingdom
Platform ID GPL33331
Series (1)
GSE229472 MPRA in primary human macrophages
SRA SRX19940439
BioSample SAMN34154217

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