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Sample GSM723906 Query DataSets for GSM723906
Status Public on Nov 29, 2011
Title SVZ cells_non-MCAo3
Sample type other
Source name total RNA from non-MCAo SVZ neural progenitor cells
Organism Rattus norvegicus
Characteristics age: 3-4 months
cells: cultured neural progenitor cells in subventricular zone of the brain
treatment: control
Extracted molecule other
Extraction protocol miRNeasy Mini Kit
Label biotin
Label protocol The RNA samples were 3’-end labeled with biotin dye using the FlashTagTM Biotin RNA Labeling Kits
Hybridization protocol Labeled LMW RNA samples were hybridized to the MicroRNA microarrays according to conditions recommended in the Flash Taq RNA labeling Kit manual.
Scan protocol The microarrays were scanned on an Axon Genepix 4000B scanner (Affymetrix Inc),
Description Gene expression data from non-MCAo cultured SVZ neural progenitor cells
Data processing Data were extracted from images using GenePix V4.1 software. miRNA QC Tool (Affymetrix Inc), a software for data summarization, Log2 transformation, normalization and quality control, was used.
Submission date May 13, 2011
Last update date Nov 29, 2011
Contact name Xian Shuang Liu
Organization name Henry Ford Hospital
Street address 2799 West Grand BLVD
City Detroit
State/province MI
ZIP/Postal code 48202
Country USA
Platform ID GPL8786
Series (1)
GSE29287 MicroRNA profiling in subventricular zone after stroke: miR-124a regulates proliferation of neural progenitor cells through Notch signaling pathway

Data table header descriptions
VALUE normalized value

Data table
14q-0_st 15
14qI-1_st 18
14qI-2_st 16
14qI-3_x_st 16
14qI-4_st 15
14qI-4_x_st 15
14qI-5_st 16
14qI-6_st 15
14qI-6_x_st 16
14qI-7_st 16
14qI-8_st 19
14qI-8_x_st 16
14qI-9_x_st 15
14qII-1_st 15
14qII-1_x_st 18
14qII-10_st 15
14qII-11_st 19
14qII-11_x_st 13
14qII-12_st 14
14qII-12_x_st 15

Total number of rows: 7625

Table truncated, full table size 140 Kbytes.

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM723906_09-0223_ML_miRNA-1_0_.CEL.gz 146.3 Kb (ftp)(http) CEL
Processed data included within Sample table

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