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Sample GSM737629 Query DataSets for GSM737629
Status Public on Sep 01, 2011
Title NSPCs grown in EC/NSPC co-cultures (microRNA) rep1
Sample type RNA
Source name Neural stem/progenitor cells isolated from E14 mouse embryonic brain, grown in co-culture with mouse primary brain Endothelial cells (Celprogen)
Organism Mus musculus
Characteristics sample type: ECs isolated from the mouse forebrain microvessels and NSPCs from telencephalon of E-14 mouse embryo
cell type: Primary neural stem/progenitor cells
treatment: grown in co-culture with mouse primary brain Endothelial cells (Celprogen)
genetic background: C57BL/6
Treatment protocol All experimantal samples were grown in growth factor-free NSPC medium (with addition of 10% FBS), for 24 hours, in CO2 incubator at 37C
Growth protocol For cell growth and propagation: NSPCs were grown in serum-free NSPC medium and ECs were grown in EC medium (Celprogen), at 37C, in CO2 incubator
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol After 24 hours in transwell co-culture, the ECs and NSPCs were separated and miRNA were isolated using mirVana miRNA (AB/Ambion) isolation kit. FlashPAGE fractionator (AB/Ambion) was used for rapid PAGE-purification of miRNAs.
Label biotin
Label protocol FlashTag RNA Labeling with Genisphere RNA Labeling Kit
Hybridization protocol Affymetrix GeneChip miRNA Procedure (FluidicsScript 450-0003, Hyb. 48°C)
Scan protocol GeneChips were scanned using the Affymetrix GeneChip Scanner 3000 7G
Description miRNA expression data from NSPCs grown in EC/NSPC co-cultures
Data processing Data files were analyzed with Affymetrix miRNAQCtool using RMA background correction and quartile normalization (signal data as log2)
Submission date Jun 06, 2011
Last update date Sep 01, 2011
Contact name Tamara Roitbak
Phone 505 272-3401
Fax 505 272-6091
Organization name UNM
Department Neurosurgery
Street address 2212 Lomas NE
City Albuquerque
State/province NM
ZIP/Postal code 87131
Country USA
Platform ID GPL8786
Series (1)
GSE29759 The Role of microRNAs in Neural Stem Cell-supported Endothelial Morphogenesis

Data table header descriptions
VALUE log2 RMA signal

Data table
ACA59_s_st 17.28513 0.774265 FALSE
ACA35_st 17.32005 0.9125895 FALSE
U17a_st 17.37751 0.6957666 FALSE
U17a_x_st 17.31297 0.6040934 FALSE
U17b_st 17.99696 0.01303862 TRUE
U17b_x_st 17.35826 0.02813287 TRUE
HBII-420_st 17.70288 0.02755515 TRUE
ACA61_st 17.26591 0.7764952 FALSE
ACA44_st 17.22322 0.8490202 FALSE
ACA16_st 17.13771 0.9512256 FALSE
ACA16_x_st 17.02493 0.6378869 FALSE
U103_s_st 17.17203 0.9356029 FALSE
HBII-251_st 17.11709 0.9835021 FALSE
ACA55_st 17.4657 0.551056 FALSE
U55_st 17.34976 0.6808774 FALSE
U55_x_st 17.45555 0.06352361 FALSE
U46_st 17.16504 0.05831924 TRUE
U46_x_st 17.87428 0.0368445 TRUE
U38A_st 17.5183 0.2373141 FALSE
U38B_st 17.32807 0.6931747 FALSE

Total number of rows: 7625

Table truncated, full table size 300 Kbytes.

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM737629_mN1_miRNA-1_0_.CEL.gz 149.7 Kb (ftp)(http) CEL
Processed data included within Sample table

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