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Sample GSM7512 Query DataSets for GSM7512
Status Public on Aug 27, 2003
Title POL1 in unchallenged S-phase (60 min)
Sample type genomic
Source name Chromatin IP fraction by Pol1 from wild type cells in S-phase for 60 min.
Organism Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Extracted molecule genomic DNA
Description POL1 binding profile on chromosome VI in unchallenged S-phase 60 min after release
Submission date Jun 24, 2003
Last update date May 27, 2005
Contact name Katsuhiko Shirahige
Phone +81-3-5842-0756
Fax +81-3-5842-0757
Organization name The University of Tokyo
Department Research Center for Epigenetic Disease
Lab Laboratory of Genome Structure and Function
Street address 1-1-1 Yayoi
City Bunkyo-ku
State/province Tokyo
ZIP/Postal code 113-0032
Country Japan
Platform ID GPL347
Series (1)
GSE486 Replication and Protein binding profile of chromosome VI of S.cerevisiae

Data table header descriptions
Signal Intensity Raw data
Detection p-value Detection p-value
VALUE Normalized
Signal Log Ratio Signal Log Ratio
Change p-value Change p-value

Data table
ID_REF Signal Intensity Detection p-value VALUE Signal Log Ratio Change p-value
c6-1_s_at 25844.2 0.000219 8542.2 -0.1 0.5
c6-3_s_at 20268.2 0.000219 6699.2 -0.2 0.5
c6-5_at 1462.5 0.125 483.4 0.6 0.09375
c6-7_s_at 9359.1 0.000219 3093.4 0.2 0.00224
c6-9_s_at 19032.4 0.000219 6290.7 -0.2 0.5
c6-11_s_at 9228 0.000327 3050.1 0 0.232641
c6-13_s_at 6169.8 0.000219 2039.3 0.4 0.000007
c6-15_at 1428.8 0.0625 472.3 0 0.25
c6-17_at 3296.9 0.000219 1089.7 0.4 0.000002
c6-18_at 302.6 0.005643 100 -0.2 0.440543
c6-19_s_at 3650.8 0.000219 1206.7 0.8 0
c6-20_at 881.5 0.000266 291.4 0.3 0.001664
c6-21_at 1143.8 0.000388 378.1 0.1 0.12316
c6-23_at 444.5 0.000468 146.9 -0.7 0.5
c6-25_s_at 2677.3 0.000219 884.9 0.2 0.003166
c6-26_at 104.4 0.03125 34.5 4.3 0.345703
c6-28_at 226.4 0.039146 74.8 -0.2 0.214215
c6-30_s_at 710.3 0.000266 234.8 -0.6 0.970527
c6-32_s_at 790.4 0.000388 261.2 -0.5 0.913877
c6-34_s_at 1257 0.000219 415.5 -0.8 0.999995

Total number of rows: 882

Table truncated, full table size 37 Kbytes.

Supplementary data files not provided

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