The raw intensity of Illumina MicroRNA expression array was scanned and extracted using BeadArray Reader(illumina,San Diego,CA), with the data corrected by background subtraction and normalized in GenomeStudio V2010.2 module(illumina,San Diego,CA). We normalized the intenstiydata with average normalization algorithm. Individual MicroRNAs were examined using the detection p-value metric provided by Illumina inwhich the signal generated from each MicroRNA is compared to negative controls. A threshold of p<0.05 was used as a cutoff.MicroRNA that did not reach this threshold were eliminated from the analysis.
Systematical identification of GATA-1, EKLF, and NF-E2 regulated miRNAs by ChIP-on chip and microRNA microarray in K562 cells into erythroid differentiation
Data table header descriptions
miRNA expression value after normalized to background