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Sample GSM754981 Query DataSets for GSM754981
Status Public on Aug 01, 2011
Title CF CFTR unexposed replicate 3
Sample type RNA
Source name CF CFTR unexposed
Organism Homo sapiens
Characteristics cell type: CFBE41o- ∆F508-CFTR
Treatment protocol PAO1 was added to the apical side of monolayers at a multiplicity of infection (MOI) of 30:1 for 1 hour in the absence of antibiotics, and then planktonic PAO1 was removed by replacing the apical medium with MEM supplemented with 0.4% arginine. Control monolayers were treated identically except that vehicle only (medium used to grow PAO1, MEM supplemented with 0.4% arginine) was added to the apical side of cells.
Growth protocol CFBE41o- cells, a human bronchial epithelial cell line homozygous for the ∆F508-CFTR mutation, and CFBE41o- cells complemented with either ∆F508-CFTR (CFBE-∆F508-CFTR) or wt-CFTR (CFBE-wt-CFTR) were generously provided by Dr. J.P. Clancy (University of Alabama). In all studies, we examined the effect of P. aeruginosa strain PAO1 on CFBE-∆F508-CFTR cells compared to CFBE-wt-CFTR cells, since both lines contain three copies of CFTR (either ∆F508/∆F508/∆F508 or ∆F508/∆F508/wt-CFTR). Cells were grown as polarized monolayers in air-liquid interface culture on Transwell filters as described previously. Briefly, cells were seeded at 1 x 106 on 24 mm Transwell filters and grown for 8 days (to develop polarized monolayers) in minimal essential medium (MEM) (Mediatech, Herndon, VA) with 10% fetal bovine serum, 2 mM L-glutamine, 50 U/ml penicillin, and 50 g/ml streptomycin at 37°C and 5% CO2, balance air.
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol Cells were then homogenized with 600 μl RLT lysis buffer from the Qiagen RNeasy kit, and the homogenate was vortexed for several seconds and drawn through a 20-gauge needle 10 times. We then added 600 μl of 100% ethanol, and applied samples to an RNeasy column for separation following manufacturer’s instructions.
Label biotin
Label protocol First-strand cDNA synthesis was conducted by priming the mRNA with a T7-(dT24) primer. Double-stranded cDNA was prepared using Life Technology Superscript cDNA Synthesis System (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA). From cDNA, cRNA was synthesized using the T7 MegaScript In Vitro Transcription kit (Ambion, Austin, TX). Synthesized cRNA was labeled during transcription (Megascript system; Ambion) with biotin-11–cytidine triphosphate and biotin-16–uridine triphosphate (Enzo Diagnostics, Farmingdale, NY).
Hybridization protocol Biotinylated cRNA products were hybridized to Affymetrix genechip HGU 133Plus2 arrays for 16 h at 40°C in a Gene Chip Hybridization oven 640 using the manufacturer's hybridization buffer (Affymetrix, Santa Clara, CA) in the Dartmouth Genomics and Microarray Laboratory (
Scan protocol Arrays were washed and stained using the GeneChip® Fluidics Station 450 (Affymetrix). The chips were scanned with the 7G Affymetrix Gene Scanner (Affymetrix) according to manufacturer's procedures.
Description GT051310_Sample delta F -3.CEL
Data processing Raw fluorescence values were normalized and summarized raw gene array data using RMA as implemented in Bioconductor.
Submission date Jul 06, 2011
Last update date Aug 01, 2011
Contact name Thomas H Hampton
Phone 603 650-1184
Organization name Dartmouth Medical School
Department Pharm/Tox
Lab Bruce Stanton
Street address North College Street
City Hanover
State/province NH
ZIP/Postal code 03755
Country USA
Platform ID GPL570
Series (1)
GSE30439 Exposure of cystic fibrosis bronchial epithelial cells (CFBE 41 o-) to Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PA01) biofilms

Data table header descriptions
VALUE RMA normalized signal intensity

Data table
1007_s_at 10.50159574
1053_at 10.09341841
117_at 5.817567569
121_at 8.387204207
1255_g_at 4.147557327
1294_at 8.145727159
1316_at 5.623452524
1320_at 6.006578421
1405_i_at 9.169240069
1431_at 5.308004459
1438_at 7.424023342
1487_at 7.884491436
1494_f_at 6.653864404
1552256_a_at 6.732714274
1552257_a_at 8.555243387
1552258_at 4.816809355
1552261_at 6.792313276
1552263_at 6.368435034
1552264_a_at 8.402071018
1552266_at 5.167544404

Total number of rows: 54675

Table truncated, full table size 1212 Kbytes.

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM754981.CEL.gz 4.9 Mb (ftp)(http) CEL
Processed data included within Sample table

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