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Sample GSM7875120 Query DataSets for GSM7875120
Status Public on Nov 05, 2023
Title PWAT, Exercise; Bulk_P39
Sample type SRA
Source name PWAT, Exercise
Organism Sus scrofa
Characteristics tissue: Pericardial White Adipose Tissue
treatment: Exercise
Treatment protocol Animals were divided into two exercise (sedentary vs exercised) and two coronary artery (non-occluded and occluded) treatment groups. Surgeries were performed to place an ameroid constrictor (2.5-3.5 mm) around the proximal left circumflex artery.
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol Total RNA was extracted using TRIzol® (Thermofisher Scientific, Waltham, MA) for Bulk RNA-seq and
cDNA libraries for Bulk RNA-seq were prepared, and sequencing was performed at the Molecular Genomics Core, Texas A&M University. Single nuclei 3` sequencing libraries were generated following the 10x Genomics dual index manual preparation v3.1 reagent kit with a target nuclei recovery of approximately 5,000 – 10,000 nuclei for each reaction.
Library strategy RNA-Seq
Library source transcriptomic
Library selection cDNA
Instrument model Illumina NovaSeq 6000
Description Bulk_P39
Data processing Bulk RNA-seq: QC Reports completed with: FastQC v0.11.9. Mapping performed using Bowtie2 version 64-bit with default settings. Counting performed using htseq-count version 2.0.2. Data was normalized using upperquartile method. DE analysis preformed in R using edgeR version 3.34.1 and limma 3.48.3.
scRNA-seq: Sample demultiplexing, STAR alignment to the Landrace_pig_v1 transcriptome, filtering, and UMI counting were achieved using Cell Ranger 3.0.1 (10X Genomics)44.
Assembly: Sscrofa11.1
Supplementary files format and content: HDF5 files include filtered counts for scRNA-seq samples
Supplementary files format and content: comma-delimited text files include raw counts for Bulk RNA-seq samples
Submission date Oct 31, 2023
Last update date Nov 05, 2023
Contact name Annie Newell-Fugate
Organization name Texas A&M University
Department Department of Veterinary Physiology & Pharmacology
Street address 4466 TAMU
City College Station
State/province TX
ZIP/Postal code 77843-4466
Country USA
Platform ID GPL26351
Series (1)
GSE246709 Single-nucleus transcriptomics of epicardial adipose tissue from female pigs reveals effects of exercise training on resident innate and adaptive immune cells
BioSample SAMN38049536
SRA SRX22297310

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