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Sample GSM8186530 Query DataSets for GSM8186530
Status Public on Apr 09, 2024
Title StC in N-fix biol2
Sample type SRA
Source name bacterial cell
Organism Carbonactinospora thermoautotrophica
Characteristics strain: StC
cell type: bacterial cell
treatment: Autotrophic condition
Treatment protocol The cells of StC were grown for four days at 60 °C
Growth protocol The cells of StC were grown under three different conditions: i) autotrophically in a N-FIX solid culture medium with a gas atmosphere (CO/CO2/N2/O2); ii) heterotrophically in R2A culture medium (glucose and peptone as carbon and nitrogen source respectively) solidified with Noble Ágar (Sigma-Aldrich); II)N-FIX solid culture medium with a gas atmosphere (CO/CO2) Aand NH4Cl2
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol RNA were extracted from the same sample using NucleoSpin TriPrep kit (Macherey-Nagel). 100 ug of a total RNA was used for Total RNA for the construction the sequencing libraries
RNA libraries for RNA-seq were prepered using using the KAPA mRNA HyperPrep Kits (Roche) by following the manufacturer's instructions
Library strategy RNA-Seq
Library source transcriptomic
Library selection cDNA
Instrument model Illumina NovaSeq 6000
Description sample2
Data processing The library cleaning step was performed using Trimmomatic Ver. 0.39, where possible adapters and low-quality bases were removed from the raw data files.
Reads from each library were mapped against the C. thermoautotrophica StC genome using Bowtie2 Ver. (Li et al., 2023). Mapping text files (SAM) were converted to binary format (BAM) using Samtools Ver. 0.1.20 (Li et al., 2009), and then used to count mapped reads by genes. HTSeq Ver. 2.0.3 (Siddique et al., 2021) was used to perform the step of counting of mapped reads over the genome, and the expression values were normalized to TPM (Transcript Per Million).
Supplementary files format and content: text format of raw counts
Submission date Apr 03, 2024
Last update date Apr 09, 2024
Contact name Luis Willian Pacheco Arge
Organization name UFRJ
Department Genetica
Street address Av. Carlos Chagas Filho, 373
City Rio de Janeiro
State/province Rio de Janeiro
ZIP/Postal code 21941-590
Country Brazil
Platform ID GPL34357
Series (1)
GSE263135 Co-existence of CBB cycle and rTCA carbon fixation pathway in thermophilic Actinomycetota Carbonactinospora thermoautotrophica StC and correlation with the CO2-concentrating microcompartment
BioSample SAMN40741646
SRA SRX24146176

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