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Sample GSM8557128 Query DataSets for GSM8557128
Status Public on Oct 06, 2024
Title CG8478,yellow_cinnabar_brown_speck,prepupa,Exp1,ChIP2
Sample type SRA
Source name yellow_cinnabar_brown_speck
Organism Drosophila melanogaster
Characteristics strain: yellow_cinnabar_brown_speck
genotype: iso-1 : y[1]; Gr22b[1] Gr22d[1] cn[1] CG33964[R4.2] bw[1] sp[1]; LysC[1] MstProx[1] GstD5[1] Rh6[1]
developmental stage: prepupa
chip antibody: non-commercial CG8478 modENCODE antibody 1(c9739440-7ee4-41d7-8d26-c39179cadebf)
Extracted molecule genomic DNA
Extraction protocol Fly growth was performed as described previously for the modENCODE and modERN projects Kudron et al., 2018(PMID: 29284660). Transgenic flies were expanded in vials and bottles containing standard Drosophila media at ~22℃ and larvae, white pre-pupae(WPP) and adults were collected from these expansion vials. Pupae were obtained by collecting WPP and incubating for 1-2 days at ~22℃. For embryonic collections, 0-8 day old adult flies were moved to embryo cages capped with apple juice plates. After a 24 hour hours, apple juice plates were replaced at appropriate intervals, restricting the collected embryos to their desired developmental stages. For late embryonic stages, collection plates were removed and embryos were grown at room temperature until the desired stage was reached prior to chromatin collection.  Chromatin was collected and ChIP was performed using the goat anti-GFP as described previously Kudron et al., 2018 (PMID: 29284660).  However, later experiments were performed using Ab290 (Abcam) and denoted as such in Kudron et al., 2024;
Library preparation during the modENCODE and early stages of the modERN project were performed as previously described in Zhong et al. 2010 (PMID: 20174564); Niu et al. 2011 (PMID: 21177963); Kasper et al. 2014(PMID: 25373775); and Kudron et al., 2018(PMID: 29284660). More recently, chromatin has been prepared for sequencing using the following methods at the Yale Center for Genome Analysis (Kudron et al., 2024 Supplemental_File_S1). ChIP and input control samples (genomic DNA from the same sample) for two technical replicates for worm and three for fly were used for library construction using approximately 5-10ng of DNA after the samples were end-repaired, A-tailed, adapter ligated and PCR enriched (8 -10 cycles) (KAPA Biosystems, Part#KK8504).  Indexed libraries were quantified by qPCR (KAPA Biosystems, Part#KK4854) and inserts were distributed by size using the Caliper LabChip GX system.  Samples that had a concentration of ≥0.5 ng/ul were used for sequencing.  Samples were normalized to 10 nM and sequenced using 100bp paired-end sequencing on an Illumina HiSeq NovaSeq Sequencer achieving > 5 million reads passing filter clusters.  A positive control provided by Illumina is spiked into every lane at a concentration of 0.3% to monitor quality in real time. Sequencing data that passed internal quality controls at YCGA were transferred to the Waterston Lab for downstream processing. 
Library strategy ChIP-Seq
Library source genomic
Library selection ChIP
Instrument model Illumina Genome Analyzer
Data processing alignment with BWA Version: 0.7.17-r1188
peak calling with SPP Version 1.15.5
Irreproducible Discovery Rate (IDR) Version
Signal tracks using macs2 version 2.2.4 for read pileup
Assembly: dm6
Supplementary files format and content: bigWig, narrowPeak, html
Submission date Oct 06, 2024
Last update date Oct 06, 2024
Contact name Louis Gevirtzman
Organization name University of Washington
Department Genome Science
Lab Waterston
Street address 3720 15th Ave NE
City Seattle
State/province WA
ZIP/Postal code 98195
Country USA
Platform ID GPL9058
Series (2)
GSE271850 Binding profiles for 602 Drosophila and 350 C. elegans transcription factors reveal tissue specific regulatory relationships
GSE278904 TF ChIP-seq Drosophila melanogaster II
BioSample SAMN44078419
SRA SRX26299345

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