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Sample GSM85751 Query DataSets for GSM85751
Status Public on Dec 06, 2005
Title S19_M
Sample type RNA
Channel 1
Source name Seedling stage above ground tissue
Organism Zea mays
Characteristics Genotype: F1
Tissue: above ground seedling
Dev stage: 14 days old
Sample name: P7 F1 Cy3
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol total RNA extraction with Trizol (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA) with minor modifications to manufacturer’s instructions, mRNA isolation with Oligotex Kit (Qiagen, Valencia, CA) as per manufacturer’s instructions
Label Cy3
Label protocol Fluorescent cDNA targets were synthesized and hybridized as described at Labeled targets containing a minimum of 3000 picomoles of cDNA, 50 picomoles of Cy dye, and more than one dy molecule per 50 (100) bases of Cy3 (Cy5) were used for hybridizations.
Channel 2
Source name Seedling stage above ground tissue
Organism Zea mays
Characteristics Genotype: B73
Tissue: above ground seedling
Dev stage: 14 days old
Sample name: P7 B73 Cy5
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol total RNA extraction with Trizol (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA) with minor modifications to manufacturer’s instructions, mRNA isolation with Oligotex Kit (Qiagen, Valencia, CA) as per manufacturer’s instructions
Label Cy5
Label protocol Fluorescent cDNA targets were synthesized and hybridized as described at Labeled targets containing a minimum of 3000 picomoles of cDNA, 50 picomoles of Cy dye, and more than one dy molecule per 50 (100) bases of Cy3 (Cy5) were used for hybridizations.
Hybridization protocol Fluorescent targets were hybridized as described in the “cDNA microarray protocol” file at
Scan protocol Each microarray chip (27 total) was scanned a minimum of six times in ascending amounts of laser power and PMT gain settings. Slides 1-15 were scanned using the ScanArray5000 (Packard, Meriden, CA). Slides 16-27 were scanned with a Pro Scan Array HT (Perkin Elmer, Wellesley, MA). Two scans from each chip were selected based on the median value of the natural log of the signal median for all spots on the slide.
Description Maize seedlings were grown under controlled conditions and were harvested at the 14 day old stage. Total RNA was isolated from nine replications of B73, Mo17, and F1 maize seedling genotypes (6 individual seedlings pooled for each genotype in each replication) using Trizol reagent (Invitrogen, Carlbad, CA) with slight modifications to manufacturer’s protocol. Approximately 500 micrograms of total RNA were used for mRNA isolation with the OligoTex mRNA midi kit (Qiagen, Valencia, CA ) as per manufacturer’s protocol with slight modification. Two micrograms of mRNA were labeled according to Nakozono et al. (2003) with slight modifications. Each sample was labeled with Cy dye and hybridize to the GP2613 platform.
Data processing The lowess normalization method of Dudoit, Yang, Callow, and Speed (2002) was applied to the log of background-corrected raw signal intensities to remove signal-intensity-dependent dye effects from each slide. Normalization was carried out separately for each slide to avoid introducing dependencies among biological replications. Following lowess normalization, the normalized data for each slide/dye combination were median centered so that expression measures would be comparable across slides. Median-centering involves subtracting the median value for a particular slide/dye combination from each individual value associated with the particular slide/dye combination. The lowess normalized data from each scan was used for a mixed linear model analysis (Wolfinger et al., 2001).
Submission date Dec 01, 2005
Last update date Dec 05, 2005
Contact name Patrick S. Schnable
Phone 515-294-0975
Organization name Iowa State University
Street address 2035B Roy J Carver Co-Lab
City Ames
State/province IA
ZIP/Postal code 50011
Country USA
Platform ID GPL2613
Series (2)
GSE3733 Modes of gene action observed in a global comparison of gene expression in a maize F1 hybrid and its inbred parents
GSE4477 Heterosis

Data table header descriptions
VALUE Normalized log ratio value of background corrected intensities of red channel and green channel
Ch1_Signal Mean Pixel intensity avaeraged over the local signal region for green channel (Cy3)
Ch1_Background Mean Pixel intensity avaeraged over the local background region for green channel (Cy3)
Ch1_Signal Median Median pixel intensity computed over the local signal region for green channel (Cy3)
Ch1_Background Median Median pixel intensity computed over the local background region for green channel (Cy3)
Ch2_Signal Mean Pixel intensity avaeraged over the local signal region for red channel (Cy5)
Ch2_Background Mean Pixel intensity avaeraged over the local background region for red channel (Cy5)
Ch2_Signal Median Median pixel intensity computed over the local signal region for red channel (Cy5)
Ch2_Background Median Median pixel intensity computed over the local background region for red channel (Cy5)
Ch1_norm Background corrected and normalized log value of green channel(Cy3)
Ch2_norm Background corrected and normalized log value of red channel(Cy5)

Data table
ID_REF VALUE Ch1_Signal Mean Ch1_Background Mean Ch1_Signal Median Ch1_Background Median Ch2_Signal Mean Ch2_Background Mean Ch2_Signal Median Ch2_Background Median Ch1_norm Ch2_norm
1 1.1254958 1354.1033 305.9762 1289 264 6679.0131 1118.1467 6477 1039.5 -0.306083 0.8194128
2 1.1067108 1047.2291 266.3411 1029.5 248.5 4720.8481 1069.2464 4738 949 -0.6130433 0.4936675
3 0.7893033 1281.851 272.5576 1212 250 4469.6782 925.7396 4279 839.5 -0.3986148 0.3906885
4 3.017032 795.3073 261.9492 238 236 1475.9301 877.985 782.5 813.5 -8.469886 -5.452854
5 0.7179982 1975.729 268.5967 2028 227.5 7470.9873 1014.7419 7454 873 0.2745594 0.9925576
6 1.5621026 1052.6086 268.1739 967.5 240 6762.185 991.9076 6713 880 -0.6605043 0.9015983
7 1.6685464 970.6869 280.169 843 247.5 6440.5839 912.7971 5862 780 -0.882581 0.7859654
8 1.4865783 800.4 262.8465 759 234 4624.9023 940.9295 4441 841 -1.026831 0.4597473
9 0.7015758 955.3432 259.7493 904.5 231 3029.6992 938.9595 2895 839 -0.789976 -0.0884002
10 0.7177402 798.7465 251.2159 751 223.5 2480.9577 880.1975 2372.5 829 -1.063297 -0.3455568
11 0.7207567 1767.6927 250.5289 1792.5 210 6587.4443 917.125 6557 841.5 0.1381982 0.8589549
12 0.3782419 2412.561 265.1607 2526 229 6751.7958 886.5595 6845 805 0.5232628 0.9015047
13 0.4234326 1863.1148 260.7983 1878 238 5258.5546 946.7056 5225 850 0.1710835 0.5945161
14 0.129389 1075.1785 254.6493 1064 231 2338.6691 806.213 2155 744 -0.5858725 -0.4564835
15 0.6394291 1361.3571 250.6272 1355.5 228 4354.5815 889.567 4383 812 -0.2256277 0.4138014
16 0.633365 5029.6323 265.5099 4720 220 18501.6191 955.3063 17484.5 844.5 1.238481 1.871846
17 0.7256136 1975.1176 264.6402 2011 238 7158.8847 984.8712 7418 899.5 0.2582899 0.9839035
18 0.0985101 839.8425 257.5685 801 222 1837.375 942.3978 1700 872 -1.018307 -0.9197969
19 2.3409478 366.3999 259.8587 361 234 2185.1044 844.8225 2138 774 -2.64568 -0.3047322
20 0.4810695 1288.831 242.1785 1285 229.5 3619.8657 889.8865 3576 846 -0.3136407 0.1674288

Total number of rows: 19200

Table truncated, full table size 1726 Kbytes.

Supplementary data files not provided

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