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Sample GSM877798 Query DataSets for GSM877798
Status Public on Feb 01, 2015
Title Mutant Huntingtin sorted cells replicate-1
Sample type RNA
Channel 1
Source name 128Q embryonic purified touch-receptor cells
Organism Caenorhabditis elegans
Characteristics cell type: embryonic touch-receptor cells
polyq: mutant Huntingtin (128Q)
Treatment protocol Cells were sorted on a Moflo flow cytometer (Dako) based on GFP fluorescence, recovered in Trizol
Growth protocol embryonic cells were isolated from gravid adults following lysis in a hypochloride solution. Embryos were dissociated with treatement using chitinase/chymotrypsine then trypsine. Cells were then grown overnight on TESPA-coated glass plate.
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol Total RNA extracted using Trizol LS (Invitrogen) following manufacturer's instructions
Label Cy5
Label protocol After a one-round linear amplification with MessageAmp kit (Ambion), RNAs were labelled with the CyScribe Post-labelling kit (Amersham) following manufacturer's instructions.
Channel 2
Source name 19Q embryonic purified touch-receptor cells
Organism Caenorhabditis elegans
Characteristics cell type: embryonic touch-receptor cells
polyq: normal Huntingtin (19Q)
Treatment protocol Cells were sorted on a Moflo flow cytometer (Dako) based on GFP fluorescence, recovered in Trizol
Growth protocol embryonic cells were isolated from gravid adults following lysis in a hypochloride solution. Embryos were dissociated with treatement using chitinase/chymotrypsine then trypsine. Cells were then grown overnight on TESPA-coated glass plate.
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol Total RNA extracted using Trizol LS (Invitrogen) following manufacturer's instructions
Label Cy3
Label protocol After a one-round linear amplification with MessageAmp kit (Ambion), RNAs were labelled with the CyScribe Post-labelling kit (Amersham) following manufacturer's instructions.
Hybridization protocol probes were hybridized on dual-color Agilent 22k microarrays following manufacturer's protocol.
Scan protocol Scanned on an Genepix 4000B scanner (Axon).Images were quantified using GenePix Pro Software.
Description 128Q-19Q-rep1
biological replicate 1 of 3. Embryonic cells purified by cell sorting based on GFP fluorescence.
Data processing Goulphar was used for background subtraction and LOWESS normalization.
Submission date Feb 20, 2012
Last update date Feb 01, 2015
Contact name Christian Neri
Phone +33 1 44 27 60 45
Organization name Sorbonne Université, CNRS, INSERM
Department CNRS UMR 8256, Inserm ERL U1164
Lab Brain-C lab
Street address 9 quai St Bernard
City Paris
ZIP/Postal code 75005
Country France
Platform ID GPL2875
Series (1)
GSE35939 Purified touch receptor neurons: expanded polyGlutamine versus control

Data table header descriptions
VALUE lowess normalized log2 ratio (Cy5/Cy3) representing condition1/condition2

Data table
1 -5.412
2 0.232
3 0.837
5 0.523
6 0.594
7 -5.553
8 -2.912
9 0.413
10 0.461
11 0.930
12 0.502
13 0.824
14 -5.682
15 0.021
16 -0.708
17 -1.023
18 -0.016
19 -0.035
20 1.222

Total number of rows: 22562

Table truncated, full table size 262 Kbytes.

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM877798.gpr.gz 2.5 Mb (ftp)(http) GPR
Processed data included within Sample table

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