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Sample GSM92877 Query DataSets for GSM92877
Status Public on Jun 27, 2006
Title 10 pg SMART replicate hybridization 2
Sample type RNA
Channel 1
Source name Ovary_epithelium_cell_line
Organism Mus musculus
Characteristics Product of SMART PCR-based amplification, replica2
Extracted molecule total RNA
Label Cy3
Label protocol Klenow indirect labeling
Channel 2
Source name Ovary_epithelium_cell_line
Organism Mus musculus
Characteristics Product of SMART PCR-based amplification, replica1
Extracted molecule total RNA
Label Cy5
Label protocol Klenow indirect labeling
Hybridization protocol See Livesey, F. J., Furukawa, T., Steffen, M. A., Church, G. M. and Cepko, C. L. (2000). Microarray analysis of the transcriptional network controlled by the photoreceptor homeobox gene Crx. Curr Biol 10, 301-10
Scan protocol Hybridised microarrays were scanned on a GenePix 4000B microarray scanner and the resulting images were analysed with GenePix 5 array analysis software
Description RNA was extracted by the Invitrogen Trizol Protocol, Ref: Chomczynski, P. and Sacchi, N. (1987) Analytical Biochemistry 162, 156. 10 pg of total RNA was SMART amplified in two parallel reactions. Replica1 was indirectly labeled with Cy5 and replica2 was indirectly labeled with Cy3 followed by co-hybridization on microarray slide
Data processing Limma packadge: log-ratio were lowess normalized, filtered to exclude spots flagged as bad and backgroud corrected.
Submission date Jan 18, 2006
Last update date Jun 27, 2006
Contact name Tatiana Subkhankulova
Phone 02075941825
Organization name Queen Mary University London
Department Neuroscience
Lab Silvia Marino
Street address 4 Newark Street
City London
ZIP/Postal code E1 2AD
Country United Kingdom
Platform ID GPL2584
Series (1)
GSE5136 Comparison of linear and exponential amplification techniques for expression profiling at the single-cell level

Data table header descriptions

Data table
CG_Mm_3000205_1 0.480293482143698
CG_Mm_3000208_1 -0.00392512331909842
CG_Mm_3000211_1 -0.190182289283701
CG_Mm_3000214_1 0.235430417362588
CG_Mm_3000229_1 0.318696936910156
CG_Mm_3000232_1 null
CG_Mm_3000235_1 -0.199764213695377
CG_Mm_3000238_1 -0.00317477777091341
CG_Mm_3000253_1 -0.439579546281298
CG_Mm_3000256_1 -0.491071924691939
CG_Mm_3000259_1 0.872020087190749
CG_Mm_3000262_1 0.0284631642875668
CG_Mm_3000277_1 -0.0595058371327126
CG_Mm_3000280_1 -0.425048080907729
CG_Mm_3000283_1 0.395274956325139
CG_Mm_3000286_1 0.0756584573883853
CG_Mm_3000589_1 0.00324435446998617
CG_Mm_3000592_1 0.560905812155345
CG_Mm_3000595_1 -1.3785038785229
CG_Mm_3000598_1 0.112797534193951

Total number of rows: 21997

Table truncated, full table size 653 Kbytes.

Supplementary data files not provided

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