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Sample GSM9674 Query DataSets for GSM9674
Status Public on Sep 08, 2003
Title Control and Congestive Heart Failure, Sample 6
Sample type RNA
Channel 1
Source name Heart Failure, Group 3
Organism Rattus norvegicus
Extracted molecule total RNA
Channel 2
Source name Control Heart, Group 3
Organism Rattus norvegicus
Extracted molecule total RNA
Description Comparison of gene expression in normal and congestive heart failure heart
Hemodynamic Data:
Control Heart: HR 286, LVSP 122, LVEDP 3, LVdp/dt 6082/-5120
Heart Failure: HR 248, LVSP 93, LVEDP 22, LVdp/dt 4035/-2909
Submission date Sep 05, 2003
Last update date May 27, 2005
Contact name Niranjan Maitra
Phone 520-626-4966
Fax 520-626-8408
Organization name University of Arizona
Department Sarver Heart Center
Lab Eugene Morkin
Street address 1501 North Campbell Avenue
City Tucson
State/province AZ
ZIP/Postal code 85724
Country USA
Platform ID GPL333
Series (1)
GSE632 Control and Congestive Heart Failure

Data table header descriptions
CH1_MEAN channel 1 mean
CH1_SD channel 1 standard deviation
CH1_BKG_MEAN channel 1 background mean
CH1_BKG_SD channel 1 background standard deviation
CH2_MEAN channel 2 mean
CH2_SD channel 2 standard deviation
CH2_BKG_MEAN channel 2 background mean
CH2_BKG_SD channel 2 background standard deviation
VALUE Log2 Ratio(Channel1/Channel2)

Data table
4 480.0023 21.47626 462.9073 21.23154 1428.736 26.80987 1426.763 26.15691 9.97E-01
10 548.7444 38.25458 413.7635 19.49056 1612.145 49.79474 1441.24 26.52885 -2.54E+00
12 321.1299 26.66316 309.2157 15.45882 1418.936 32.14785 1413 26.94586 -8.17E-01
21 315.998 29.20945 289.8496 16.79063 1428.174 24.81544 1423.004 25.69213 6.40E-01
22 373.9937 69.28379 342.1435 16.75653 1443.177 26.00323 1435.114 28.01783 -1.29E-01
28 402.3848 17.81184 390.0779 25.09284 1437.155 26.39576 1427.846 28.02688 -5.64E-01
31 1806.576 430.88146 478.9099 22.18731 2282.215 387.39741 1429.751 29.13062 -1.68E+00
42 960.9997 173.80151 407.5464 20.44088 1700.066 104.23106 1434.837 27.25784 -1.15E+00
44 333.5435 23.30945 306.8612 15.84984 1425.568 29.27595 1411.866 25.02598 -5.71E-01
47 565.9469 75.79337 291.9274 15.73603 1621.136 66.70732 1421.037 27.2935 -1.67E+00
57 343.493 16.53377 339.6006 16.56886 1444.019 26.73256 1440.982 26.58037 -1.09E+00
58 442.1569 24.02656 424.0106 30.1068 1428.272 31.46189 1424.614 28.19853 5.99E-01
59 476.7605 24.07699 451.2239 26.27031 1411.216 26.25562 1412.124 28.13608 1.88E+00
60 614.5897 87.05878 487.9419 34.09868 1434.512 34.42539 1424.404 28.17412 1.83E+00
69 733.3064 58.63995 449.6087 22.47726 1429.125 26.04209 1421.344 27.16487 3.31E+00
73 818.7766 65.72385 405.9444 16.22783 1466.784 28.00734 1425.031 25.88948 1.04E+00
80 3130.4246 685.84853 417.8361 19.68961 1560.123 55.49719 1429.671 27.04502 2.06E+00
84 418.7492 23.84521 422.5349 26.71862 1426.471 28.30762 1425.97 27.58093 -7.11E-01
93 510.9293 39.0262 465.791 33.37199 1418.511 31.35064 1414.179 28.68231 1.66E+00
98 553.3069 53.21688 481.1145 23.96249 1431.586 27.82158 1425.097 28.07492 2.07E+00

Total number of rows: 4273

Table truncated, full table size 361 Kbytes.

Supplementary data files not provided

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