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Sample GSM995516 Query DataSets for GSM995516
Status Public on Aug 01, 2013
Title WT-3
Sample type RNA
Source name Wild type trichome
Organism Arabidopsis thaliana
Characteristics genotype/variation: wild-type
tissue: trichome
Treatment protocol N/A
Growth protocol Plants were germinated and grown on plates containing Murashige and Skoog salts, pH 5.7, 1% sucrose (w/v), and 0.5% phytogel (w/v) in continuous light at 22°C.
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol Trichomes were removed with forceps from the fifth and sixth rosette leaves of three-week-old wild-type and gtl1-1 mutant plants according to a previously established protocol (Jakoby et al, 2008). Total RNA was extracted from three biological replicates by a Qiagen plant RNeasy kit, and treated with DNaseI (Takara Bio, Japan) following the manufacturer’s instructions.
Label biotin
Label protocol RNA probes were labeled using an Affymetrix 3' IVT Express Kit (Affymetrix, Japan)
Hybridization protocol Hybridized onto Arabidopsis ATH1 Genome GeneChips® (Affymetrix Inc., USA) according to manifucture's instruction (Affymetrix).
Scan protocol GeneChips are scanned in a GeneChip Scanner 3000 (Affymetrix Inc., USA) and CEL files are generated from DAT files using GeneChip® Operating Software (GCOS) software (Affymetrix Inc., USA).
Description Wild type trichome, biological replicate 3
Data processing Affy-GUI, normalized by GCRMA.
Submission date Aug 31, 2012
Last update date Aug 01, 2013
Contact name Kengo Morohashi
Phone 614-688-4954
Organization name The Ohio State University
Department Molecular Genetics
Lab Erich Grotewold
Street address 1060 Carmack Rd
City Columbus
State/province OH
ZIP/Postal code 43210
Country USA
Platform ID GPL198
Series (2)
GSE40518 Comparison of gene expression in Arabidopsis trichome between gtl1-1 mutant and wild type
GSE40520 GTL1 regulates ploidy-dependent cell growth through direct transcriptional repression of APC/CCS52A1 in Arabidopsis

Data table header descriptions

Data table
244901_at 4.75244457032724
244902_at 2.57292377434476
244903_at 6.38623701570888
244904_at 3.2976789452292
244905_at 2.13695083709169
244906_at 5.7834085576044
244907_at 2.13695083709169
244908_at 2.13695083709169
244909_at 2.13695083709169
244910_s_at 2.13695083709169
244911_at 2.13695083709169
244912_at 7.50381067779421
244913_at 2.13695083709169
244914_at 2.14021588398634
244915_s_at 2.13695083709169
244916_at 2.13953179265552
244917_at 2.13695083709169
244918_at 2.13695083709169
244919_at 2.13695083709169
244920_s_at 6.58421014032594

Total number of rows: 22810

Table truncated, full table size 602 Kbytes.

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM995516_SU026.CEL.gz 2.1 Mb (ftp)(http) CEL
Processed data included within Sample table

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