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An inherited disorder characterized by structural alterations of a globin chain within the hemoglobin molecule. [from NCI]



An inherited blood disorder characterized by a decreased synthesis of one of the polypeptide chains that form hemoglobin. Anemia results from this abnormal hemoglobin formation. [from NCI]


Sickle cell-hemoglobin C disease

A rare, genetic hemoglobinopathy characterized by anemia, reticulocytosis and erythrocyte abnormalities including target cells, irreversibly sickled cells and crystal-containing cells. Clinical course is similar to sickle cell disease, but less severe and with less complications. Signs and symptoms may include acute episodes of pain, splenic infarction and splenic sequestration crisis, acute chest syndrome, focal segmental glomerulosclerosis, ischemic brain injury, peripheral retinopathy, and osteonecrosis. [from ORDO]


Hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin

The persistence of substantial fetal hemoglobin production into adulthood, usually associated with hemoglobinopathies due to mutations in the alpha and/or beta chain of hemoglobin. [from NCI]


beta Thalassemia

Beta-thalassemia (ß-thalassemia) is characterized by reduced synthesis of the hemoglobin subunit beta (hemoglobin beta chain) that results in microcytic hypochromic anemia, an abnormal peripheral blood smear with nucleated red blood cells, and reduced amounts of hemoglobin A (HbA) on hemoglobin analysis. Individuals with thalassemia major have severe anemia and hepatosplenomegaly; they usually come to medical attention within the first two years of life. Without treatment, affected children have severe failure to thrive and shortened life expectancy. Treatment with a regular transfusion program and chelation therapy, aimed at reducing transfusion iron overload, allows for normal growth and development and may improve the overall prognosis. Individuals with thalassemia intermedia present later and have milder anemia that does not require regular treatment with blood transfusion. These individuals are at risk for iron overload secondary to increased intestinal absorption of iron as a result of ineffective erythropoiesis. [from GeneReviews]


alpha Thalassemia

Alpha-thalassemia (a-thalassemia) has two clinically significant forms: hemoglobin Bart hydrops fetalis (Hb Bart) syndrome (caused by deletion/inactivation of all four a-globin genes; --/--), and hemoglobin H (HbH) disease (most frequently caused by deletion/inactivation of three a-globin genes; --/-a). Hb Bart syndrome, the more severe form, is characterized by prenatal onset of generalized edema and pleural and pericardial effusions as a result of congestive heart failure induced by severe anemia. Extramedullary erythropoiesis, marked hepatosplenomegaly, and a massive placenta are common. Death usually occurs in the neonatal period. HbH disease has a broad phenotypic spectrum: although clinical features usually develop in the first years of life, HbH disease may not present until adulthood or may be diagnosed only during routine hematologic analysis in an asymptomatic individual. The majority of individuals have enlargement of the spleen (and less commonly of the liver), mild jaundice, and sometimes thalassemia-like bone changes. Individuals with HbH disease may develop gallstones and experience acute episodes of hemolysis in response to infections or exposure to oxidant drugs. [from GeneReviews]


Hb SS disease

Sickle cell disease (SCD) is characterized by intermittent vaso-occlusive events and chronic hemolytic anemia. Vaso-occlusive events result in tissue ischemia leading to acute and chronic pain as well as organ damage that can affect any organ system, including the bones, spleen, liver, brain, lungs, kidneys, and joints. Dactylitis (pain and/or swelling of the hands or feet) is often the earliest manifestation of SCD. In children, the spleen can become engorged with blood cells in a "splenic sequestration." The spleen is particularly vulnerable to infarction and the majority of individuals with SCD who are not on hydroxyurea or transfusion therapy become functionally asplenic in early childhood, increasing their risk for certain types of bacterial infections, primarily encapsulated organisms. Acute chest syndrome (ACS) is a major cause of mortality in SCD. Chronic hemolysis can result in varying degrees of anemia, jaundice, cholelithiasis, and delayed growth and sexual maturation as well as activating pathways that contribute to the pathophysiology directly. Individuals with the highest rates of hemolysis are at higher risk for pulmonary artery hypertension, priapism, and leg ulcers and may be relatively protected from vaso-occlusive pain. [from GeneReviews]

Results: 21 to 27 of 27

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