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How to submit information in the Lab personnel section of the submission form

This page is organized according to the sections you see on the Lab personnel tab. You can click on the name of the section below to navigate to that section of this document. If you have questions about a different tab in the lab submission interface, please see Register a new lab.

Use the Lab personnel section to enter test-specific contacts for particular clinical tests and research personnel for research tests. When you later enter your test data, you will be provided with the list of people entered at this stage. When you register a clinical test, you may then select one or more test-specific contact(s) from the list of lab personnel to display on the test record.  When you register a research test, you may then select from any of the lab personnel or research personnel to satisfy minimal field requirements (Person responsible for the study and Study contact) for research tests.

You can enter data for:

  • Yourself - click the 'Add me button' to populate a record with the information in your personal GTR submission page, saving you some time. NOTE: Do not edit the name after using the Add me button, or the permission to submit will be removed and submission errors will result.
  • People who work at the lab - click the 'Add a person' button
  • Research collaborators (who may or may not work at the lab) - click the 'Add research personnel' button

You may add lab personnel whose names and contact information you want to make available to the public; whose information you want to keep private as they will only deal with GTR staff for submission-related issues; and whose names you designate as public but whose contact information is kept private. Any names and contact information that you designate to be public will display exactly as entered, so please take care that you enter the information exactly how you want it to appear.

If lab personnel also function as research personnel, do not enter them twice; these entries will be available to select for research roles when you register research tests. For example, a laboratory director may serve as the principal investigator of a research study and will be available for selection as the 'Person responsible for the study' without having to make a separate entry as research personnel.

You may also add information for researchers that do not work at your lab but that collaborate with your lab in studies for which you offer research tests. No information will display on your laboratory record for people designated as research personnel. Contact information for individuals entered as research personnel will display only for the Study contact, and will appear on the research test.

Please note that most sections in the form provide tool tips, accessible by this icon (help icon), that provide hints specific to that box.

Basic Information - Lab personnel

In this section, you can provide information that identifies the person you are entering for this laboratory.

First Name (minimal). Enter the person's first name as it will display to the public (if you say yes to "Should this person's information be displayed on the GTR public site?").

Middle Initial (optional). Enter the person's middle initial is there is one.

Last Name (minimal). Enter the person's last name as it will display to the public (if you say yes to "Should this person's information be displayed on the GTR public site?").

Should this person's information be displayed on the GTR public site? (minimal). Choose whether you want this person's information to be available to GTR users. This information will display in the lab record, in the lab information tab of the test record and in the tests where this person is selected as a test-specific contact.

  1. If desired, you can select 'Yes' for this field and only provide the staff member's name for display on the public website. Additional contact information, such as degrees, certifications, title, public phone, public fax and public email do not have to be completed. You can specify which contact information is to be displayed. Contact information entered in fields marked private for GTR staff are not displayed on the public website and are used only for communication between laboratory personnel and the GTR staff.
  2. If 'No' is selected, the staff member will not be available for selection in the test-specific contact list.

Is this person the primary lab contact? (minimal). Each lab needs at least one primary lab contact. This is a lab contact with whom GTR staff can communicate about submissions. The primary lab contact is not displayed on the public website. If you wish to designate a specific contact(s) for GTR users, you may do so in the 'test-specific contact' field in the test registration section.

Is this person a lab director? (minimal). Each lab needs at least one lab director. When you select yes, the next field will automatically display "Lab director" as the choice but you can change it.

Job Title (optional). Select the person's title in the lab as you want it to display to the public. If your title is not in the list provided or you want to enter multiple titles, please select 'other'. When you do so, a free text box opens up and you can enter the job title. If multiple, list all of the job titles in the order you want displayed, separated by commas.

To see the complete, current list of choices for this field, click here.

Academic Degree (optional). Select the person's degrees as you want it to display to the public. To select multiple degrees, hold the control key as you select multiple choices from the menu. To un-select a choice, please hold the control key and un-select the choice (click again).

Professional Certifications

Board (optional). If the person is board-certified you can select the board name from the list. If the person holds multiple board certifications, please enter one set of board information and then click the "Add another professional certification" link located below the box.

Specialty (optional). Once you select the board, a subset of specialties displays in this field from which to choose.

Subspecialty (optional). Once you select the specialty, a subset of subspecialties displays in this field which you may choose, as applicable.

Professional credentials (optional). Select the credentials the person holds, for instance, if a person is a fellow of a medical professional society you can select from the list.

Credentials based on certification (optional). This field will only display when a board has been selected. You can review the credentials as they will appear next to the person's name. If you want to select multiple degrees, please hold the control key as you select multiple choices from the menu. To un-select a choice, please hold the control key and un-select the choice (click again).

Contact Information to be displayed on the GTR Public Site

The information provided in this section will display next to the person's name in the GTR public site, both in the lab record and in the lab information tab of the test record.

Phone number (optional). Enter the phone number to display next to the person's name in the public site so GTR users can contact the person. Since this phone number will be displayed to the public, it is important to enter a complete number in an easy to read format. Suggested format for US phone numbers: 123-456-7890 ext. 123; for international phone numbers: +(country code)-AreaCode-1234 ext. 456.

Email (optional). Enter the email address to display next to the person's name in the public site so GTR users can contact the person. Since this email address will be displayed to the public, it is important to enter it correctly, for example person@lab.com.

Fax number (optional). Enter the fax number to display next to the person's name in the public site so GTR users can contact the person. Since this fax number will be displayed to the public, it is important to enter a complete number in an easy to read format. Suggested format for US fax numbers: 123-456-7890; for international phone numbers: +(country code)-AreaCode-1234.

Supplementary public contact information (optional). Enter a comment about the person's contact information to be displayed to the public. Example of comments maybe "Available Mondays only." or "Contact by email preferred".

Contact Information for GTR Staff to contact you about your submission

The information provided in this section will NOT display to the public. This information will only be used by GTR staff to contact this person (e.g. primary lab contact) about lab and/or test submissions to the GTR. For each lab, at least one person must provide a phone number and email address for communication with GTR staff.

Copy contact information from above. If the information for GTR staff and the public is the same for this person, you can simply copy all the information from the previous section by clicking this link.

Phone number (optional). Enter the phone number to be used by GTR staff to contact this person. Suggested format for US phone numbers: 123-456-7890 ext. 123; for international phone numbers: +(country code)-AreaCode-1234 ext. 456.

Email (optional). Enter the email address to be used by GTR staff to contact this person.

Fax number (optional). Enter the fax number to be used by GTR staff to contact this person. Suggested format for US fax numbers: 123-456-7890; for international phone numbers: +(country code)-AreaCode-1234.

Research personnel

Research personnel are entered in the Laboratory section of the submission site, then selected from within test submissions. There are three (3) types of research personnel that you can select in the test record. There are different requirements for the information based on the type of research personnel and different behaviors for public display of the information. No information will display on your laboratory record for people designated as research personnel.

Person responsible for the study (minimal). This is the principal investigator or lab director who is ultimately responsible for the conduct of the research. Email is required for the person responsible for the study and Institution is recommended. No contact information for this person will display publicly if entered in this section. Lab directors are entered in the "Add a person' page and can be selected within a research test submission; they should not be re-entered in this section.

Study contact (minimal). This is the person designated as the contact to enroll in study. Enter people here only if they have not been entered in the Lab personnel section. Either Email or Phone number are required for Study contact(s). All contact information for a Study contact will display publicly.

Co-investigator (optional). This is a person involved with the Principal investigator in the scientific development or execution of the research project. Enter people here only if they have not been entered in the Lab personnel section. Contact information is optional for Co-investigator(s) and will not display publicly.

Save your work

Don't forget to save your work by clicking the Save & Continue button at the bottom of the page! If you need to interrupt or delay data entry, you can return at a later time and you will be taken to the last tab you saved.

If any required fields or data inconsistencies are detected on this page, an error message will display after you click Save & Continue indicating what the issue is. The field(s) that need attention will be outlined in red. Please correct your data and click "Save & Continue" again.

Last updated: 2020-12-02T22:50:11Z