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How to submit information in the Participation section of the submission form for research tests

This page is organized according to the sections you see on the Participation tab of a research test.

Please note that most sections in the form provide tool tips, accessible by this icon (help icon), that provide hints specific to that area.

  • Upload participant consent form
  • Is the study currently recruiting participants?
  • Eligibility criteria
  • Recruitment sites

Upload participant consent form (optional). Upload consent form (as a pdf or word file) that participants are required to review and sign. GTR users will then be able to view and print the file.

Is the study currently recruiting participants? (recommended). Indicate whether enrollment is currently active or not. Return to edit test if recruitment status changes.

Eligibility criteria (recommended). List explicitly the inclusion and exclusion criteria for study participation e.g. age range, gender, diagnostic features, etc.

Recruitment sites (optional). Describe site(s)/location(s) where participants would go to enroll and participate in the study.

Save your work

Don't forget to save your work by clicking the Save & Continue button at the bottom of the page! If you need to interrupt or delay data entry, you can return at a later time and you will be taken to the last tab you saved.

If any required fields or data inconsistencies are detected on this page, an error message will display after you click Save & Continue indicating what the issue is. The field(s) that need attention will be outlined in red. Please correct your data and click "Save & Continue" again.

Last updated: 2020-12-02T23:40:23Z