Melanoma Profile
Clinical Genetic Test
offered by
GTR Test Accession: Help GTR000591211.1
Registered in GTR: 2020-07-14
Last annual review date for the lab: 2023-06-14 Past due LinkOut
At a Glance
Drug Response; Monitoring; Prognostic; ...
Genes (2): Help
KIT (4q12); NRAS (1p13.2)
Biochemical Genetics - Immunohistochemistry: Antibody detection; ...
Patients with Melanoma seeking treatment and prognosis
Not provided
Not provided
Ordering Information
Offered by: Help
GoPath Diagnostics
View lab's website
Test short name: Help
Specimen Source: Help
  • Fresh tissue
  • Frozen tissue
  • Paraffin block
Who can order: Help
  • Health Care Provider
  • Licensed Physician
Test Order Code: Help
Melanoma Profile
CPT codes: Help
**AMA CPT codes notice
Contact Policy: Help
Laboratory can only accept contact from health care providers. Patients/families are encouraged to discuss genetic testing options with their health care provider.
How to Order: Help
contact GoPath labs to set up on how to send specimen to the lab with order
Order URL
Test service: Help
molecular testing
    Comment: BRAF, PDL1, NRAS, cKIT
Informed consent required: Help
Pre-test genetic counseling required: Help
Post-test genetic counseling required: Help
Recommended fields not provided:
Conditions Help
Total conditions: 1
Condition/Phenotype Identifier
Test Targets
Chromosomal regions/Mitochondria Help
Total chromosomal regions/mitochondria: 1
Chromosomal region/Mitochondrion Associated condition
Genes Help
Total genes: 2
Gene Associated Condition Germline or Somatic Allele (Lab-provided) Variant in NCBI
Total methods: 2
Method Category Help
Test method Help
Antibody detection
Sequence analysis of select exons
ABI 3130XL Genetic Analyzer
Clinical Information
Test purpose: Help
Drug Response; Monitoring; Prognostic; Screening; Therapeutic management
Target population: Help
Patients with Melanoma seeking treatment and prognosis
Variant Interpretation:
What is the protocol for interpreting a variation as a VUS? Help
Interpretation and classification of clinical significance of the detected variant are based on catalogued information from the NCBI ClinVar database (, LOVD database ( shared/genes/) and other locus specific databases as well as information from published literatures

Are family members with defined clinical status recruited to assess significance of VUS without charge? Help

Will the lab re-contact the ordering physician if variant interpretation changes? Help
Not provided. our GeneticsNow service covers it all - please use our website
Recommended fields not provided:
Technical Information
Test Platform:
Availability: Help
Tests performed
Entire test performed in-house
Analytical Validity: Help
BRAF - The assay identified 15 V600E mutation samples from all 59 FFPE specimens and give 100% sensitivity and 98% specificity of the assay. Sensitivity=TP/(TP+FN)x100=15/(15+0)x100=100% Specificity=TN/(TN+FP)x100=43/(43+1)x100=98% NRAS - The assay identified 15 V600E mutation samples from all 59 FFPE specimens and give 100% sensitivity and 98% specificity of the assay. … View more
Proficiency testing (PT):
Is proficiency testing performed for this test? Help

Method used for proficiency testing: Help
Formal PT program

PT Provider: Help
Software used to interpret novel variations Help

Laboratory's policy on reporting novel variations Help
formal reports
Recommended fields not provided:
Regulatory Approval
FDA Review: Help
Not provided
Additional Information

IMPORTANT NOTE: NIH does not independently verify information submitted to GTR; it relies on submitters to provide information that is accurate and not misleading. NIH makes no endorsements of tests or laboratories listed in GTR. GTR is not a substitute for medical advice. Patients and consumers with specific questions about a genetic test should contact a health care provider or a genetics professional.