Mammals of the families Delphinidae (ocean dolphins), Iniidae, Lipotidae, Pontoporiidae, and Platanistidae (all river dolphins). Among the most well-known species are the BOTTLE-NOSED DOLPHIN and the KILLER WHALE (a dolphin). The common name dolphin is applied to small cetaceans having a beaklike snout and a slender, streamlined body, whereas PORPOISES are small cetaceans with a blunt snout and rather stocky body. (From Walker's Mammals of the World, 5th ed, pp978-9)
Year introduced: 1968
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Tree Number(s): B01.050.150.900.649.313.875.267
MeSH Unique ID: D004289
Entry Terms:
- Dolphin
- Whale, False Killer
- False Killer Whale
- False Killer Whales
- Pseudorca crassidens
- Pseudorca crassiden
- Lagenorhynchus
- Risso's Dolphin
- Risso Dolphin
- Rissos Dolphin
- Gray Grampus
- Grampus griseus
- Ocean Dolphins
- Ocean Dolphin
- Delphinidae
- Marine Dolphins
- Marine Dolphin
- Fraser's Dolphin
- Dolphin, Fraser's
- Fraser Dolphin
- Frasers Dolphin
- Lagenodelphis hosei
- Lagenodelphis hoseus
- Ganges Dolphin
- Ganges River Dolphin
- Planista gangetica
- Planista gangeticas
- Sousa
- Humpback Dolphins
- Humpback Dolphin
- Irrawaddy River Dolphin
- Orcaella brevirostris
- Orcaella brevirostri
- La Plata Dolphin
- Pontoporia blainvillei
- Pontoporia blainvilleus
- Franciscana
- Franciscanas
- Whale, Melon-Headed
- Many-Toothed Blackfish
- Many Toothed Blackfish
- Melon-Headed Whale
- Melon Headed Whale
- Melon-Headed Whales
- Peponocephala electra
- Whale, Pygmy Killer
- Pygmy Killer Whale
- Pygmy Killer Whales
- Feresa attenuata
- Susus
- Platanista
- Platanistas
- Right Whale Dolphins
- Right Whale Dolphin
- Lissodelphis
- Lissodelphi
- Tucuxi Dolphin
- Tucuxi Dolphins
- Sotalia fluviatilis
- Sotalia fluviatili
- Rough-Toothed Dolphin
- Rough Toothed Dolphin
- Rough-Toothed Dolphins
- Steno bredanensis
- Piebald Dolphins
- Piebald Dolphin
- Cephalorhynchus
- White-Beaked Dolphins
- White-Beaked Dolphin
- White Beaked Dolphins
- Lagenorhynchus albirostris
- Lagenorhynchus albirostri
- Chinese River Dolphin
- Baiji
- Baijus
- Yangtze River Dolphin
- Lipotes vexillifer
- Amazon Dolphins
- Amazon River Dolphins
- Inia geoffrensis
- Atlantic White-Sided Dolphins
- Atlantic White-Sided Dolphin
- Atlantic White Sided Dolphins
- Lagenorhynchus acutus
- Pacific White-Sided Dolphins
- Pacific White-Sided Dolphin
- Pacific White Sided Dolphins
- Langenorhynchus obliquidens
- Langenorhynchus obliquiden
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