Entry - *607587 - INTERLEUKIN 17D; IL17D - OMIM
* 607587


HGNC Approved Gene Symbol: IL17D

Cytogenetic location: 13q12.11     Genomic coordinates (GRCh38): 13:20,701,513-20,723,098 (from NCBI)



IL17D is a member of the unique IL17 family, which share a conserved cysteine motif. IL17D regulates cytokine production in endothelial cells and inhibits hemopoiesis in vitro (Starnes et al., 2002).

Cloning and Expression

Using nested RACE PCR, Starnes et al. (2002) obtained a cDNA encoding IL17D. The predicted 202-amino acid protein, the longest in the IL17 family, contains a signal peptide, conserved cysteines that allow homodimer formation, and a unique extended C-terminal domain. RT-PCR analysis showed high expression in skeletal muscle, brain, adipose, heart, lung, and pancreas, with lower expression in bone marrow, fetal liver, kidney, leukocytes, liver, lymph node, placenta, spleen, thymus, tonsil, resting CD4 (186940)-positive T cells, and resting CD19 (107265)-positive B cells. Western blot analysis indicated expression of monomeric and dimeric proteins of 26 and 53 kD, respectively.

Gene Function

Starnes et al. (2002) showed that purified recombinant IL17D inhibited myeloid progenitor cell colony formation. IL17D enhanced endothelial cell production of IL6 (147620), IL8 (146930), and GMCSF (CSF2; 138960), but not other cytokines. The increased expression of IL8 was found to be NFKB (see 164011)-dependent. IL17D did not stimulate proliferation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells.


By genomic sequence analysis, Starnes et al. (2002) mapped the IL17D gene to chromosome 13p11, a region linked to translocations in Hodgkin lymphoma (236000).


  1. Starnes, T., Broxmeyer, H. E., Robertson, M. J., Hromas, R. Cutting edge: IL-17D, a novel member of the IL-17 family, stimulates cytokine production and inhibits hemopoiesis. J. Immun. 169: 642-646, 2002. [PubMed: 12097364, related citations] [Full Text]

Creation Date:
Paul J. Converse : 2/27/2003
Edit History:
mgross : 02/27/2003

* 607587


HGNC Approved Gene Symbol: IL17D

Cytogenetic location: 13q12.11     Genomic coordinates (GRCh38): 13:20,701,513-20,723,098 (from NCBI)



IL17D is a member of the unique IL17 family, which share a conserved cysteine motif. IL17D regulates cytokine production in endothelial cells and inhibits hemopoiesis in vitro (Starnes et al., 2002).

Cloning and Expression

Using nested RACE PCR, Starnes et al. (2002) obtained a cDNA encoding IL17D. The predicted 202-amino acid protein, the longest in the IL17 family, contains a signal peptide, conserved cysteines that allow homodimer formation, and a unique extended C-terminal domain. RT-PCR analysis showed high expression in skeletal muscle, brain, adipose, heart, lung, and pancreas, with lower expression in bone marrow, fetal liver, kidney, leukocytes, liver, lymph node, placenta, spleen, thymus, tonsil, resting CD4 (186940)-positive T cells, and resting CD19 (107265)-positive B cells. Western blot analysis indicated expression of monomeric and dimeric proteins of 26 and 53 kD, respectively.

Gene Function

Starnes et al. (2002) showed that purified recombinant IL17D inhibited myeloid progenitor cell colony formation. IL17D enhanced endothelial cell production of IL6 (147620), IL8 (146930), and GMCSF (CSF2; 138960), but not other cytokines. The increased expression of IL8 was found to be NFKB (see 164011)-dependent. IL17D did not stimulate proliferation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells.


By genomic sequence analysis, Starnes et al. (2002) mapped the IL17D gene to chromosome 13p11, a region linked to translocations in Hodgkin lymphoma (236000).


  1. Starnes, T., Broxmeyer, H. E., Robertson, M. J., Hromas, R. Cutting edge: IL-17D, a novel member of the IL-17 family, stimulates cytokine production and inhibits hemopoiesis. J. Immun. 169: 642-646, 2002. [PubMed: 12097364] [Full Text: https://doi.org/10.4049/jimmunol.169.2.642]

Creation Date:
Paul J. Converse : 2/27/2003

Edit History:
mgross : 02/27/2003