Anterior myocardial infarction produces abrupt left ventricular (LV) dysynergy and global systolic dysfunction. Rapid intense neurohumoral activation, infarct expansion, and early ventricular chamber dilatation all contribute to restoring a normal stroke volume despite a persistently depressed ejection fraction. Continued neurohumoral activation provokes late remodeling of the remote non-infarcted myocardium, characterized by an abnormal progressively increasing LV volume/mass ratio that leads to further LV remodeling. Heart failure is a progressive disorder of LV remodeling. Heart failure from post-infarction remodeling is unique because of the persistent non-functioning scar that self- perpetuates abnormal loading conditions and neurohumoral activation. Medical therapy attenuates remodeling and improves survival but does not change the size of the scar. Surgical ventricular restoration to exclude the non-functioning infarct from the ventricular cavity decreases ventricular volumes, increases global ejection fraction, attenuates neurohumoral activation and yields an excellent 5-year survival. Combined medical and surgical therapy is recommended in this patient population.