Transport of yeast alkaline phosphatase (ALP) to the vacuole depends on the clathrin adaptor-like complex AP-3, but does not depend on proteins necessary for transport through pre-vacuolar endosomes. We have identified ALP sequences that direct sorting into the AP-3-dependent pathway using chimeric proteins containing residues from the ALP cytoplasmic domain fused to sequences from a Golgi-localized membrane protein, guanosine diphosphatase (GDPase). The full-length ALP cytoplasmic domain, or ALP amino acids 1-16 separated from the transmembrane domain by a spacer, directed GDPase chimeric proteins from the Golgi complex to the vacuole via the AP-3 pathway. Mutation of residues Leu13 and Val14 within the ALP cytoplasmic domain prevented AP-3-dependent vacuolar transport of both chimeric proteins and full-length ALP. This Leucine-Valine (LV)-based sorting signal targeted chimeric proteins and native ALP to the vacuole in cells lacking clathrin function. These results identify an LV-based sorting signal in the ALP cytoplasmic domain that directs transport into a clathrin-independent, AP-3-dependent pathway to the vacuole. The similarity of the ALP sorting signal to mammalian dileucine sorting motifs, and the evolutionary conservation of AP-3 subunits, suggests that dileucine-like signals constitute a core element for AP-3-dependent transport to lysosomal compartments in all eukaryotic cells.