Addictive drugs effect on brain striatum: time course
Analysis of brain striata of C57BL/6J animals treated for up to 8 hours with cocaine, ethanol, heroin, methamphetamine, morphine, or nicotine. Results provide insight into the molecular mechanisms underlying addiction to different classes of drugs of abuse.
Piechota M, Korostynski M, Solecki W, Gieryk A et al. The dissection of transcriptional modules regulated by various drugs of abuse in the mouse striatum. Genome Biol 2010;11(5):R48. PMID: 20459597
Korostynski M, Piechota M, Dzbek J, Mlynarski W et al. Novel drug-regulated transcriptional networks in brain reveal pharmacological properties of psychotropic drugs. BMC Genomics 2013 Sep 8;14:606. PMID: 24010892