DataSet Record GDS4617: Expression Profiles Data Analysis Tools Sample Subsets
Title: Metastatic neuroblastoma model: abdominal neuroblastoma tumors
Cluster AnalysisGDS4617 Cluster Image
Summary: Analysis of primary abdominal neuroblastoma (NB) tumors from a metastatic NB model. This model recapitulates two alterations frequent observed in metastatic NB: MYCN overexpression and loss of caspase-8 expression. Results provide insight into the molecular mechanisms underlying metastatic NB.
Organism: Mus musculus
Platform: GPL1261: [Mouse430_2] Affymetrix Mouse Genome 430 2.0 Array
  • Teitz T, Inoue M, Valentine MB, Zhu K et al. Th-MYCN mice with caspase-8 deficiency develop advanced neuroblastoma with bone marrow metastasis. Cancer Res 2013 Jul 1;73(13):4086-97. PMID: 23536557
Reference Series: GSE42548 Sample count: 29
Value type: transformed count Series published: 2013/05/22