DataSet Record GDS750: Expression Profiles Data Analysis Tools Sample Subsets
Title: HAC1 transcription and unfolded protein response
Cluster AnalysisGDS750 Cluster Image
Summary: Strains expressing HAC1 under various promoters were grown at 30°C, or shifted from 23°C to 37°C, and treated with 6mM DTT or tunicamycin for 60 minutes. DTT and tunicamycin activate the unfolded protein response (UPR) which is regulated by Hac1p.
Organism: Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Platform: GPL999: Leber et al. (2004)
  • Leber JH, Bernales S, Walter P. IRE1-independent gain control of the unfolded protein response. PLoS Biol 2004 Aug;2(8):E235. PMID: 15314654
Reference Series: GSE1119 Sample count: 13
Value type: log ratio Series published: 2004/08/18