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SRX2236009: GSM2340270: ctrlRNAi_F-BRN_S13; Onthophagus taurus; RNA-Seq
4 ILLUMINA (NextSeq 500) runs: 10M spots, 751.3M bases, 231.6Mb downloads

Submitted by: NCBI (GEO)
Study: Transcriptomic assessment of interactions between doublesex and its target genes across sexes and tissues in horned beetles
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Purpose: Sexual dimorphisms fuel significant intraspecific variation and evolutionary diversification. Yet the developmental-genetic mechanisms underlying sex-specific development remain poorly understood. We focused on the conserved sex-determination gene doublesex (dsx) and the mechanisms by which it mediates sex-specific development in a species of horned beetle by combining systemic dsx knockdown, high-throughput sequencing of diverse tissues, and a genome-wide analysis of Dsx binding sites. We find that Dsx regulates sex-biased expression predominantly in males, that Dsx's target repertoires are highly sex- and tissue-specific, and that Dsx can exercise its regulatory role via two distinct mechanisms: as a sex-specific modulator by regulating strictly sex-specific targets, or as a switch by regulating the same genes in males and females in opposite directions. More generally, our results suggest Dsx can rapidly acquire new target gene repertoires to accommodate evolutionarily novel traits, evidenced by the large and unique repertoire identified in head horns, a recent morphological innovation. Overall design: Control and dsxRNAi individuals were collected within the first day after pupation. Six male and six female pupae from each group were sampled tissue for four distinct regions: the supraesophageal ganglion (brain), genitalia, thoracic horns, and head horns.
Sample: ctrlRNAi_F-BRN_S13
SAMN05893518 • SRS1736882 • All experiments • All runs
Instrument: NextSeq 500
Strategy: RNA-Seq
Selection: cDNA
Layout: SINGLE
Construction protocol: After dissection, all tissue samples were immediately placed in ice-cold Trizol and stored at -80ºC. After thawing to 4ºC, tissues in Trizol were homogenized with disposable polypropylene RNase-free pellet pestles, and total RNA was extracted using a standard phenol-chloroform protocol followed by RNeasy Mini spin column purification including on-column DNAse I digestion. Total RNA was quality checked using RNA ScreenTape TapeStation System and quantified with a Quant-iT RiboGreen Assay Kit. A total of 96 (2 treatments x 2 sexes x 4 tissues x 6 biological replicates) RNA Stranded RNA sequencing libraries were constructed using the TruSeq Stranded mRNA Sample Preparation Kit (Illumina) according to manufacturer's instructions. Libraries were quantified using a Quant-iT DNA Assay Kit (Thermo Fisher), pooled in equal molar amounts, and sequenced as single-end reads using a 75 cycles, high output kit on the NextSeq500 platform (Illumina).
Experiment attributes:
GEO Accession: GSM2340270
Runs: 4 runs, 10M spots, 751.3M bases, 231.6Mb
Run# of Spots# of BasesSizePublished


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