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Comparable Tags

This table shows similar-but-not identical tags that are used across Variation resources at NCBI.

dbSNP dbVar Description
CLNORIGIN ORIGIN A string that describes the origin of the variant allele.   One or more of the following values may be assigned in dbSNP: 0 unknown; 1 germline; 2 somatic; 4 inherited; 8 paternal; 16 maternal; 32 denovo; 64 biparental; 128 uniparental; 256 nottested; 512 testedinconclusive; 1073741824 other. dbVar has other values for ORIGIN, which are not in CLNORIGIN.
RS CALLID Variant identifier. dbVar accessions RefSNPs and dbVar accessions regions and calls.
SAO ORIGIN An integer that indicates variant allele origin. The accepted values for this tag are: 0 - unspecified, 1 - Germline, 2 - Somatic, 3 - Both.  Note : "SAO" is "SNP Allele Origin". We have changed "SNP" to the more inclusive term "variant"; the tag "SAO" remains in the vcf files.
SOMATIC ORIGIN In dbVar, SOMATIC as well as some of the values in SAO are found in ORIGIN.
VC SVTYPE Describes the Variation Class of the variant, these include SNP, DIP, INDELs, STR, MNP, etc.

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Last updated: 2017-11-17T20:45:30Z