
Defined in file pcsubstance.asn
No C++ class for INTEGER with named values

PC-BondAnnotation ::= INTEGER {
    crossed        (1),                          -- Double Bond that can be both Cis/Trans
    dashed         (2),                          -- Hydrogen-Bond (3D Only?)
    wavy           (3),                          -- Unknown Stereochemistry
    dotted         (4),                          -- Complex/Fractional
    wedge-up       (5),                          -- Above-Plane
    wedge-down     (6),                          -- Below-Plane
    arrow          (7),                          -- Dative
    aromatic       (8),                          -- Aromatic
    resonance      (9),                          -- Resonance
    bold          (10),                          -- Fat Bond (Non-Specific User Interpreted Information)
    fischer       (11),                          -- Interpret Bond Stereo using Fischer Conventions
    closeContact  (12),                          -- Identification of Atom-Atom Close Contacts (3D Only)
    unknown      (255)                           -- Unspecified or Unknown Atom-Atom Annotation