
Defined in file seqfeat.asn
C++ class: CTxinit

Txinit ::= SEQUENCE {
    name VisibleString ,    -- descriptive name of initiation site
    syn SEQUENCE OF VisibleString OPTIONAL ,   -- synonyms
    gene SEQUENCE OF Gene-ref OPTIONAL ,  -- gene(s) transcribed
    protein SEQUENCE OF Prot-ref OPTIONAL ,   -- protein(s) produced
    rna SEQUENCE OF VisibleString OPTIONAL ,  -- rna(s) produced
    expression VisibleString OPTIONAL ,  -- tissue/time of expression
    txsystem ENUMERATED {       -- transcription apparatus used at this site
        unknown (0) ,
        pol1 (1) ,      -- eukaryotic Pol I
        pol2 (2) ,      -- eukaryotic Pol II
        pol3 (3) ,      -- eukaryotic Pol III
        bacterial (4) ,
        viral (5) ,
        rna (6) ,       -- RNA replicase
        organelle (7) ,
        other (255) } ,
    txdescr VisibleString OPTIONAL ,   -- modifiers on txsystem
    txorg Org-ref OPTIONAL ,  -- organism supplying transcription apparatus
    mapping-precise BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE ,  -- mapping precise or approx
    location-accurate BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE , -- does Seq-loc reflect mapping
    inittype ENUMERATED {
        unknown (0) ,
        single (1) ,
        multiple (2) ,
        region (3) } OPTIONAL ,
    evidence SET OF Tx-evidence OPTIONAL }