
Defined in file seqfeat.asn
C++ class: CVariantProperties

VariantProperties ::= SEQUENCE {
    version INTEGER,

    -- NOTE:
    -- The format for most of these values is as an integer
    -- Unless otherwise noted, these integers represent a bitwise OR (= simple
    -- sum) of the possible values, and as such, these values represent the
    -- specific bit flags that may be set for each of the possible attributes
    -- here.

    resource-link INTEGER {
        preserved        (1), -- Clinical, Pubmed, Cited, (0x01)
        provisional      (2), -- Provisional Third Party Annotations (0x02)
        has3D            (4), -- Has 3D strcture SNP3D table (0x04)
        submitterLinkout (8), -- SNP->SubSNP->Batch link_out (0x08)
        clinical        (16), -- Clinical if LSDB, OMIM, TPA, Diagnostic (0x10)
        genotypeKit     (32)  -- Marker exists on high density genotyping kit
                              -- (0x20)

    gene-location INTEGER {
        in-gene         (1), -- Sequence intervals covered by a gene ID but not
                             -- having an aligned transcript (0x01)
        near-gene-5     (2), -- Within 2kb of the 5' end of a gene feature
        near-gene-3     (4), -- Within 0.5kb of the 3' end of a gene feature
        intron          (8), -- In Intron (0x08)
        donor          (16), -- In donor splice-site (0x10)
        acceptor       (32), -- In acceptor splice-site (0x20)
        utr-5          (64), -- In 5' UTR (0x40)
        utr-3         (128), -- In 3' UTR (0x80)
        in-start-codon(256), -- the variant is observed in a start codon
                             -- (0x100)
        in-stop-codon (512), -- the variant is observed in a stop codon
                             -- (0x200)
        intergenic   (1024), -- variant located between genes (0x400)
        conserved-noncoding(2048) -- variant is located in a conserved
                                  -- non-coding region (0x800)

    effect INTEGER {
        no-change      (0), -- known to cause no functional changes
                            -- since 0 does not combine with any other bit
                            -- value, 'no-change' specifically implies that
                            -- there are no consequences
        synonymous     (1), -- one allele in the set does not change the encoded
                            -- amino acid (0x1)
        nonsense       (2), -- one allele in the set changes to STOP codon
                            -- (TER).  (0x2)
        missense       (4), -- one allele in the set changes protein peptide
                            -- (0x4)
        frameshift     (8), -- one allele in the set changes all downstream
                            -- amino acids (0x8)

        up-regulator  (16), -- the variant causes increased transcription
                            -- (0x10)
        down-regulator(32), -- the variant causes decreased transcription
                            -- (0x20)
        methylation   (64),
        stop-gain     (128), -- reference codon is not stop codon, but the snp
                             -- variant allele changes the codon to a
                             -- terminating codon.
        stop-loss     (256)  -- reverse of STOP-GAIN: reference codon is a
                             -- stop codon, but a snp variant allele changes
                             -- the codon to a non-terminating codon.

    mapping INTEGER {
        has-other-snp         (1), -- Another SNP has the same mapped positions
                                   -- on reference assembly (0x01)
        has-assembly-conflict (2), -- Weight 1 or 2 SNPs that map to different
                                   -- chromosomes on different assemblies (0x02)
        is-assembly-specific  (4)  -- Only maps to 1 assembly (0x04)

    -- map-weight captures specificity of placement
    -- NOTE: This is *NOT* a bitfield
    map-weight INTEGER {

    frequency-based-validation INTEGER {
        is-mutation       (1), -- low frequency variation that is cited in
                               -- journal or other reputable sources (0x01)
        above-5pct-all    (2), -- >5% minor allele freq in each and all
                               -- populations (0x02)
        above-5pct-1plus  (4), -- >5% minor allele freq in 1+ populations (0x04)
        validated         (8), -- Bit is set if the variant has a minor allele
                               -- observed in two or more separate chromosomes
        above-1pct-all   (16), -- >1% minor allele freq in each and all
                               -- populations (0x10)
        above-1pct-1plus (32)  -- >1% minor allele freq in 1+ populations (0x20)

    genotype INTEGER {
        in-haplotype-set (1), -- Exists in a haplotype tagging set (0x01)
        has-genotypes    (2)  -- SNP has individual genotype (0x02)

    -- project IDs are IDs from BioProjects
    -- in order to report information about project relationships, we
    -- require projects to be registered
    -- This field in many ways duplicates dbxrefs; however, the
    -- intention of this field is to more adequately reflect
    -- ownership and data source
    -- 11/9/2010: DO NOT USE
    -- This field was changed in the spec in a breaking way; using it will
    -- break clients.  We are officially suppressing / abandoning this field.
    -- Clients who need to use this should instead place the data in
    -- Seq-feat.dbxref, using the db name 'BioProject'
    project-data SET OF INTEGER OPTIONAL,

    quality-check INTEGER {
        contig-allele-missing   (1), -- Reference sequence allele at the mapped
                                     -- position is not present in the SNP
                                     -- allele list, adjusted for orientation
                                     -- (0x01)
        withdrawn-by-submitter  (2), -- One member SS is withdrawn by submitter
                                     -- (0x02)
        non-overlapping-alleles (4), -- RS set has 2+ alleles from different
                                     -- submissions and these sets share no
                                     -- alleles in common (0x04)
        strain-specific         (8), -- Straing specific fixed difference (0x08)
        genotype-conflict      (16)  -- Has Genotype Conflict (0x10)

    confidence INTEGER {
        unknown         (0),
        likely-artifact (1),
        other           (255)

    -- has this variant been validated?
    -- While a boolean flag offers no subtle distinctions of validation
    -- methods, occasionally it is only known as a single boolean value
    -- NOTE: this flag is redundant and should be omitted if more comprehensive
    -- validation information is present
    other-validation BOOLEAN OPTIONAL,

    -- origin of this allele, if known
    -- note that these are powers-of-two, and represent bits; thus, we can
    -- represent more than one state simultaneously through a bitwise OR
    allele-origin INTEGER {
        unknown         (0),
        germline        (1),
        somatic         (2),
        inherited       (4),
        paternal        (8),
        maternal        (16),
        de-novo         (32),
        biparental      (64),
        uniparental     (128),
        not-tested      (256),
        tested-inconclusive (512),
        not-reported   (1024),

        -- stopper - 2^31
        other           (1073741824)

    -- observed allele state, if known
    allele-state INTEGER {
        unknown         (0),
        homozygous      (1),
        heterozygous    (2),
        hemizygous      (3),
        nullizygous     (4),
        other           (255)

    -- NOTE:
    -- 'allele-frequency' here refers to the minor allele frequency of the
    -- default population
    allele-frequency REAL OPTIONAL,

    -- is this variant the ancestral allele?
    is-ancestral-allele BOOLEAN OPTIONAL