148 return !(*
this == rc);
167 bool int_x = direct_x ? ! ((
R.m_Left >
m_Right) || (
R.m_Right <
172 bool int_y = direct_y ? ! ((
R.m_Bottom >
m_Top) || (
R.m_Top <
174 return int_x && int_y;
259 return m_Right - m_Left + 1;
264 return m_Top - m_Bottom + 1;
270 m_Right = m_Left + width - 1;
271 m_Top = m_Bottom + height - 1;
CGlRect reprsents rectangle in the coordinate system with origin located in the left bottom corner.
Include a standard set of the NCBI C++ Toolkit most basic headers.
CGlRect & IntersectWith(const CGlRect &r)
void SetSize(T width, T height)
CGlRect & CombineWith(const CGlRect &r)
void Offset(T d_x, T d_y)
bool operator==(const CGlRect< T > &rc) const
CGlPoint< T > CenterPoint() const
bool PtInRect(T x, T y) const
void Inflate(T d_x, T d_y)
bool PtInRect(const CGlPoint< T > &pt) const
bool operator!=(const CGlRect< T > &rc) const
void SetVert(T bottom, T top)
CGlPoint< T > GetCorner(int idx)
void Init(T left, T bottom, T right, T top)
CGlRect(T left, T bottom, T right, T top)
void SetHorz(T left, T right)
bool Intersects(const CGlRect &R) const
End previously defined NCBI scope.
Define ncbi namespace.
static string DoubleToString(double value, int precision=-1, TNumToStringFlags flags=0)
Convert double to string.
static string IntToString(int value, TNumToStringFlags flags=0, int base=10)
Convert int to string.
double r(size_t dimension_, const Int4 *score_, const double *prob_, double theta_)