1TNB: Rat Protein Geranylgeranyltransferase Type-I Complexed with a GGPP analog and a substrate KKSKTKCVIF Peptide Derived from TC21

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PDB ID: 1TNBDownload
MMDB ID: 29948
PDB Deposition Date: 2004/6/11
Updated in MMDB: 2004/12
Experimental Method:
x-ray diffraction
Resolution: 2.85  Å
Source Organism:
synthetic construct
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Biological Unit for 1TNB: trimeric; determined by author and by software (PISA)
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1TNB: Rat Protein Geranylgeranyltransferase Type-I Complexed with a GGPP analog and a substrate KKSKTKCVIF Peptide Derived from TC21
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AA: geranylgeranyltransferase type I alpha subunitBB: Geranylgeranyl transferase type I beta subunitMM: Fusion protein1ZN: ZINC ION2MGM: 2-[METHYL-(5-GERANYL-4-METHYL-PENT-3-ENYL)-AMINO]-ETHYL-DIPHOSPHATE
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Proteins (3 molecules)
Geranylgeranyltransferase Type I Alpha Subunit
1 Protein
SS Diagram
3D Domains
Domain Families
Super Families
175150225300377377 residues, click to see VAST similar structures.helix 94-109helix 114-126helix 131-144helix 148-161helix 167-179helix 185-193helix 200-213helix 219-229helix 234-246helix 253-269helix 274-284helix 294-302helix 309-325helix 330-346helix 353-366Domain 1 (1-146): click to see VAST similar structures1Domain 2 (147-216): click to see VAST similar structures2Domain 3 (217-289): click to see VAST similar structures3Domain 4 (290-377): click to see VAST similar structures4PLN02789 superfamilycl33568(64-365): farnesyltranstransferase
Geranylgeranyl Transferase Type I Beta Subunit
1 Protein
SS Diagram
3D Domains
Domain Families
Specific Hits
Super Families
175150225300377377 residues, click to see VAST similar structures.helix 22-34helix 47-61helix 69-78helix 122-135helix 144-153helix 173-185helix 193-202helix 220-233helix 242-254helix 274-283helix 292-300helix 319-330helix 348-361strand 79-82strand 93-96strand 154-157strand 159-162strand 203-206strand 208-211strand 301-305strand 306-310strand 340-343strand 344-347Domain 1 (1-153): click to see VAST similar structures1Domain 2 (154-287): click to see VAST similar structures2Domain 1 (288-335): click to see VAST similar structures1Domain 2 (336-377): click to see VAST similar structures2active site cavityactive site(23)location: 42, residue: Slocation: 45, residue: Tlocation: 46, residue: Slocation: 49, residue: Tlocation: 53, residue: Flocation: 121, residue: Hlocation: 123, residue: Alocation: 124, residue: Mlocation: 126, residue: Ylocation: 127, residue: Tlocation: 173, residue: Rlocation: 176, residue: Ylocation: 177, residue: Clocation: 219, residue: Hlocation: 221, residue: Glocation: 225, residue: Clocation: 269, residue: Dlocation: 271, residue: Clocation: 272, residue: Ylocation: 275, residue: Wlocation: 311, residue: Klocation: 320, residue: Llocation: 321, residue: HZn2+ binding siteZn2+ binding site(3)location: 269, residue: Dlocation: 271, residue: Clocation: 321, residue: Hlipid binding pocketlipid(12)location: 49, residue: Tlocation: 52, residue: Flocation: 173, residue: Rlocation: 176, residue: Ylocation: 219, residue: Hlocation: 221, residue: Glocation: 225, residue: Clocation: 263, residue: Rlocation: 266, residue: Klocation: 272, residue: Ylocation: 275, residue: Wlocation: 320, residue: Lpeptide binding pocketpeptide(8)location: 45, residue: Tlocation: 46, residue: Slocation: 49, residue: Tlocation: 123, residue: Alocation: 124, residue: Mlocation: 173, residue: Rlocation: 269, residue: Dlocation: 311, residue: Kheterodimer interfaceheterodimer interface(12)location: 168, residue: Slocation: 206, residue: Ylocation: 216, residue: Llocation: 217, residue: Elocation: 222, residue: Slocation: 250, residue: Rlocation: 253, residue: Ilocation: 255, residue: Rlocation: 256, residue: Qlocation: 263, residue: Rlocation: 264, residue: Plocation: 265, residue: NGGTase-Icd02895 (22-332): Geranylgeranyltransferase types I (GGTase-I)-like proteins containing the protein prenyltransferase (PTase) domain, beta subunit (alpha 6 - alpha 6 barrel fold)ISOPREN_C2_like superfamilycl08267(22-332): This group contains class II terpene cyclases, protein prenyltransferases beta subunit, two broadly specific proteinase inhibitors alpha2...
Fusion Protein
11010 residues, click to see VAST similar structures.
Chemicals and Non-standard biopolymers (2 molecules)
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