4MDR: Crystal structure of adaptor protein complex 4 (AP-4) mu4 subunit C-terminal domain D190A mutant, in complex with a sorting peptide from the amyloid precursor protein (APP)

PDB ID: 4MDRDownload
MMDB ID: 118253
PDB Deposition Date: 2013/8/23
Updated in MMDB: 2023/09
Experimental Method:
x-ray diffraction
Resolution: 1.85  Å
Source Organism:
Similar Structures:
Molecular Components in 4MDR
Label Count Molecule
Proteins (2 molecules)
Ap-4 Complex Subunit Mu-1
(Gene symbol: AP4M1)
Molecule annotation
Amyloid Beta A4 Protein
(Gene symbol: APP)
Molecule annotation
* Click molecule labels to explore molecular sequence information.

Citing MMDB