7BST: EcoR124I-Ocr in the Intermediate State

PDB ID: 7BSTDownload
MMDB ID: 188098
PDB Deposition Date: 2020/3/31
Updated in MMDB: 2020/09
Experimental Method:
electron microscopy
Resolution: 4.37  Å
Source Organism:
Escherichia phage T7
Similar Structures:
Molecular Components in 7BST
Label Count Molecule
Proteins (7 molecules)
Type I Restriction Enzyme R Protein
Molecule annotation
Type I Restriction Enzyme Ecor124ii M Protein
Molecule annotation
Overcome Classical Restriction Gp0.3
Molecule annotation
Type-1 Restriction Enzyme Ecor124ii Specificity Protein
Molecule annotation
* Click molecule labels to explore molecular sequence information.

Citing MMDB