Appropriate sizes of paediatric equipment according to age (weight) of child

Equipment0–5 months (3–6 kg)6–12 months (4–9 kg)1–3 years (10–15 kg)4–7 years (16–20 kg)
LaryngoscopeStraight bladeStraight bladeChild MacintoshChild Macintosh
Uncuffed tracheal tube2.5–3.53.5–4.04.0–5.05.0–6.0
Suction catheter (French gauge)6810/12
IV cannula24/222222/1820/16
Central venous cannula20201818
Nasogastric tubea81010–1212
Urinary cathetera5 feeding tube5 feeding tube/F8Foley 8Foley 10

Sizes in French gauge or Charrière, which are equivalent and indicate the circumference of the tube in millimetres.

From: ANNEX 3, Equipment sizes

Cover of Pocket Book of Hospital Care for Children
Pocket Book of Hospital Care for Children: Guidelines for the Management of Common Childhood Illnesses. 2nd edition.
Copyright © World Health Organization 2013.

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