Table 26Common side-effects of antiretroviral drugs

Nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs)
Lamivudine3TCHeadache, abdominal pain, pancreatitisWell tolerated
Stavudinebd4THeadache, abdominal pain, neuropathyLarge volume of suspension capsules can be opened.
ZidovudineZDV (AZT)Headache, anaemia, neutropeniaDo not use with d4T (antagonistic antiretroviral effect).
AbacavirABCHypersensitivity reaction, fever mucositis rash. If these occur, stop the drug.Tablets can be crushed.
EmtricitabineFTCHeadache, diarrhoea, nausea, and rash. May cause hepatotoxicity or lactic acidosis.
TenofovirTDFRenal insufficiency, decrease in bone mineral density
Non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTIs)
EfavirenzEFVStrange dreams, sleepiness, rashTake at night; avoid taking with fatty food
NevirapineNVPRash, liver toxicityWhen given with rifampicin, increase nevirapine dose by ∼30% or avoid use. Drug interactions
Protease inhibitors
Lopinavir/ritonaviraLPV/RTVDiarrhoea, nauseaTake with food; bitter taste
AtazanavirATZJaundice, prolonged PR interval, nephrolithiasis

General long-term side-effects of ART include lipodystrophy.


Requires cold storage and cold chain for transport

From: 8, Children with HIV/AIDS

Cover of Pocket Book of Hospital Care for Children
Pocket Book of Hospital Care for Children: Guidelines for the Management of Common Childhood Illnesses. 2nd edition.
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