When a new drug is started a patient may experience adverse symptoms for a variety of reasons. These may be related to the underlying disorder for which the patient was being treated, may be incidental and unrelated to the drug or disease, or they may be caused by the drug itself.

In cases of known non-immunologically mediated adverse reaction, for example, nausea or abdominal discomfort, the decision on whether to continue will be taken after discussion with the patient, and assessment of the severity of the reaction and the length of the remaining prescription course will be taken into account. If the patient has suffered a hypersensitivity reaction, however, the drug will almost invariably be stopped and if necessary an alternative drug sought. There can be considerable overlap between symptoms recognised from the adverse reaction profile of the drug and those resulting from hypersensitivity reaction. Each drug has a specific pattern of expected non-allergic symptoms and even immunologically mediated symptoms can follow a familiar pattern seen in previous patients. A correct diagnosis differentiating an allergic from a non-allergic reaction at the time of presentation should therefore allow safe future prescription and avoidance of the specific drug or drug class. Detailed documentation of the adverse reaction will also allow a more accurate specialist assessment if the patient requires the same or similar drug in future.

6.1. Review question: What is the clinical and cost effectiveness of clinical probability scores or algorithms in identifying or excluding drug allergies?

For full details see review protocol in Appendix C.

Table 6. Characteristics of review question.

Table 6

Characteristics of review question.

6.2. Clinical evidence

6.2.1. Algorithms

We searched the literature for systematic reviews or any other study design that aimed to identify a set of signs and symptoms, usually in the form of a questionnaire or checklist (that is, an algorithm) to ascertain whether a person has a drug allergy. One systematic review (Agbabiaka et al. 20083) was identified, as were 7 additional algorithm studies: Bousquet et al. 2009,18 Caimmi et al. 2012,23 Du et al. 2013,38 Gallagher et al. 201152 (also known as the Liverpool algorithm), Gonzalez et al. 199256 (which was missing from Agbagiaka's systematic review), Son et al. 2011154 and Trewin et al. 1991161 (also missing from Agbagiaka's systematic review). Each of these studies describes the development of an algorithm in order to evaluate drug allergies. A further study was identified which updated 1 of the included algorithms (Arimone et al. 20135 updating the French Begaud et al. 198512 algorithm). This is added to the reference in Table 7.

The systematic review of algorithms by Agbabiaka et al. 20083 is considered to be at a moderate risk of bias according to the NICE systematic review checklist (since the quality of the included algorithms and probability scores was reported in a narrative manner and criteria for quality assessment were not explicitly described), but it considered algorithms for both adverse drug reactions and drug allergies. The authors included 26 algorithms in the systematic review. Six of these algorithms64,77,80,106,158,174 were excluded from this review on the basis that they focused on adverse drug reactions (ADR) alone without the drug allergy being recorded as a subset of ADR.

The working definition of ‘algorithm’ from the identified systematic review was, “…a set of specific questions with associated scores for calculating the likelihood of a cause–effect relationship”. The authors extracted criteria in the assessment of adverse drug reactions for 26 algorithms and probability scores and these are shown in Table 7 below for each of the included algorithms. The 12 categories for assessment provide a starting point for this review but were not explained fully. Therefore it was necessary in some cases to impute the meaning of individual categories.

The following categories were used (with brief explanations of how we interpreted them):

  1. Time to onset or temporal sequence.
    Measurement of the time elapsed between taking medication and a reaction to develop.
  2. Previous experience or information on drug.
    A previous experience with the drug or a previous reaction to the drug.
  3. Alternative aetiological candidates.
    Ruling out other reasons for the reaction to the drug.
  4. Drug level or evidence of overdose.
    Whether the correct dose was used.
  5. Challenge.
    Assessment of what happens when the drug is introduced.
  6. Dechallenge.
    Assessment of what happens when the person is taken off the drug.
  7. Rechallenge.
    Assessment of what happens when the drug is reintroduced.
  8. Response pattern to drug (symptoms).
    This point was unclear in the systematic review. We interpreted it to mean the clinical manifestation of the signs and symptoms that would be specific to the drug under investigation.
  9. Confirmed by laboratory evidence.
    Whether laboratory tests have already been carried out.
  10. Concomitant drugs.
    Whether there could be a potential drug interaction.
  11. Background epidemiological or clinical information.
    For this category we focused on background epidemiology since clinical information was not clearly defined in the review.
  12. Characteristics or mechanisms of adverse drug reaction.
    How this reaction is related to the drug under investigation and whether the reaction is plausible in light of the drug's mechanisms.

We also searched the literature for systematic reviews or any other study design that aimed to identify a set of signs and symptoms in the form of a probability score to ascertain whether a person has a drug allergy. The systematic review by Agbabiaka et al.3 reviewed 4 probabilistic or Bayesian approaches to assessment of drug allergy.70,92,94,109 One further study was identified (Theophile et al. 2013160). This additional study also included a comparison with other algorithms.

Furthermore, Agbabiaka et al. 20083 reviewed comparisons of algorithms. These are studies in which people with suspected drug allergies are assessed with more than 1 algorithm and the level of agreement (that is, congruency) between the assessments is then calculated. Table 10 summarises results of 6 comparative studies.13, 20,76,113,134,160 A further comparison study was added in the update of the systematic review.160

Agbabiaka et al. 20083 included a narrative analysis of 26 algorithms, but there was no explicit quality assessment of individual algorithms (they were appraised narratively). In the current review an explicit list of criteria was drawn up to assess the quality of the 6 additional algorithms that were identified from the search. In this checklist the quality of each of the following features was assessed (for these criteria please see section

Using the format from Agbabiaka et al. 20083 used in Table 7, the 12 criteria were extracted for each of the 7 additional studies18,23,38,52,56,154,161 included in the current review.

Table 7 below reproduces an amended version of the summary that is provided in Agbabiaka et al. 2008.3 Studies which did not include drug allergy in the adverse drug reaction algorithms were excluded. Table 8 uses the same criteria to assess the additional algorithms identified in our search (with comments and quality assessment according to our checklist in the final 2 columns).

Table 11 summarises the frequency of the criteria across algorithms. Please also see the study selection flow chart in Appendix E, study evidence tables in Appendix H and exclusion list in Appendix K.

Table 7. Criteria to assess the association between a reaction and a drug: studies included in the systematic review (adapted from Agbabiaka et al. 2008)

Table 8. Criteria to assess the association between a reaction and a drug: studies not included in the systematic review (adapted from Agbabiaka et al. 2008 with additional notes and quality ratings in the final 2 columns)

6.2.2. Probability scores

Bayesian methods have been proposed to provide a formal inferential framework for causality in the assessment of drug allergy and adverse drug reactions. It is mathematically based upon calculating a ratio (the posterior odds) between 2 probabilities both of which are conditional on the same background and case information: that a given drug caused an adverse event versus that an alternative cause is responsible.

Despite the benefits of repeatability, transparency, explicitness, completeness, balancing of case data and no arbitrary limiting of information on the assessment, this method of causation analysis can be time consuming and may require significant use of resources and complex calculations.

The same categories were used as those described for the algorithms.

Agbabiaka et al. 20083 included a narrative analysis of the probabilistic and Bayesian approaches, but there was no explicit quality assessment of individual algorithms.

Table 9 below is adapted from the summary that is provided in Agbabiaka et al.3

Table 9. Probabilistic or Bayesian approaches to causation used.

Table 9

Probabilistic or Bayesian approaches to causation used.

6.2.3. Comparative studies

The conclusion of the systematic review by Agbabiaka et al. 20083 was that “…no single algorithm is accepted as the ‘gold standard,’ because of the shortcomings and disagreements that exist between them.” We have reviewed 6 studies13,20,76,113,134,160 which compare the most commonly used algorithms for drug allergy and provide kappa statistics as a measure of congruency. A summary of the statistical conclusions of the comparative studies is provided in Table 10 below.

Table 10. Studies comparing algorithms

6.2.4. Most commonly used algorithm criteria

For the current review we used the Agbabiaka et al. 20083 findings for 20 algorithms which included drug allergy as part of the evaluation of ADR, the 5 probabilistic or Bayesian studies in Agbabiaka et al. 2008,3 and the 7 additional algorithms added into this review, to assess how frequently different causality criteria appeared across all of the algorithms (see Table 11). The assessment criteria were ranked as follows:

Table 11. Frequency causality criteria were used across 32 algorithms and probability scores (25 from the systematic review and 7 added in the current review).

Table 11

Frequency causality criteria were used across 32 algorithms and probability scores (25 from the systematic review and 7 added in the current review).

The evidence shows that none of the criteria are used consistently in all of the algorithms. This includes ‘time to onset or temporal sequence’ and ‘response pattern to drug (clinical response)’ which were only used as assessment criteria in 24 (75%) of the 32 algorithms. Questions about drug challenge and ADR characteristics or mechanisms featured least frequently across algorithms, only occurring in 10 and 8 of 32 algorithms (31% and 25%), respectively.

Agbabiaka et al. 20083 also reviewed comparisons of algorithms which were updated here. These are studies in which people with suspected drug allergies are assessed with more than one algorithm and the level of agreement (that is, congruency) between the assessments is then calculated.

Congruencies showed the whole range from 0% to 100% agreement with no agreement between the Begaud and Kramer or Jones in one study and a 100% agreement between Kramer and Jones in the same study. Even the same comparisons sometimes had very different levels of agreement across comparisons (for example, comparisons of Kramer and Jones showed perfect agreement in one study and only moderate agreement, 67%, in another).

6.3. Economic evidence

Published literature

No relevant economic evaluations were identified.

See also the economic article selection flow chart in Appendix F.

6.4. Evidence statements


  • Assessment criteria: moderate quality evidence from 32 algorithms and probability scores (according to quality of the included systematic review and the quality of the additional algorithms) indicated no clear criteria that were used consistently to assess whether a person has a drug allergy. The most frequently used criteria were ‘time to onset or temporal sequence’ and ‘response pattern to drug’.
  • Assessment comparisons: there were highly variable levels of agreement between algorithms ranging from no agreement (0%) to a perfect level of agreement (100%) with some inconsistencies in results for the same comparisons in different studies. In all comparisons the Naranjo algorithm was used as one of the comparators or the only reference standard. The second most frequent comparator was the Kramer algorithm.


  • No relevant economic evaluations were identified.

6.5. Recommendations and link to evidence



When assessing a person presenting with possible drug allergy, take a history and undertake a clinical examination. Use the following boxes as a guide when deciding whether to suspect drug allergy. Boxes 1–3 Signs and allergic patterns of suspected (more...)