Section D.1Study filter terms
D.1.1Systematic reviews (SR)
D.1.2Randomized controlled trials (RCT)
D.1.3Observational studies
D.1.4Economic studies
D.1.5Quality of life studies
D.1.6Diagnostic accuracy
Section D.2Standard population search strategy
This population was used for all search questions unless stated.
Section D.3Searches for specific questions with intervention (and population where different from D.2)
D.3.1Assessment tools
D.3.2Diagnostic tools for psoriatic arthritis
D.3.3Specialist referral for psoriatic arthritis
D.3.4Incidence of comorbidities
D.3.5Risk of skin cancer
D.3.6Topical therapy
D.3.8Phototherapy combined with acitretin
D.3.9Topicals combined with UVB
D.3.10Systemic non-biological therapy
D.3.11Methotrexate and the risk of hepatotoxicity
D.3.12Methotrexate and monitoring for hepatotoxicity
D.3.13Sequencing of biological therapy
D.3.14Cognitive behavioural therapy
D.3.15Self management
Section D.4Economic searches
D.4.1Economic evaluations
D.4.2Quality of life studies

From: Appendix D, Literature search strategies

Cover of Psoriasis
Psoriasis: Assessment and Management of Psoriasis.
NICE Clinical Guidelines, No. 153.
National Clinical Guideline Centre (UK).
Copyright © National Clinical Guideline Centre - October 2012.

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