Embase search terms

1.exp comorbidity/
3.1 or 2
4.exp obesity/
6.exp body mass/ or exp body weight/
7.(‘body mass index’ or bmi).ti,ab.
8.metabolic syndrome x/
9.exp cardiovascular diseases/
11.(essential adj hypertension).ti,ab.
12.(isolat* adj hypertension).ti,ab.
13.(elevat* adj2 blood adj pressur*).ti,ab.
14.(high adj blood adj pressur*).ti,ab.
15.(increase* adj2 blood pressur*).ti,ab.
16.((systolic or diastolic or arterial) adj2 pressur*).ti,ab.
17.myocardial infarct*.ti,ab.
18.((cardiac or heart) adj (infarct* or attack* or arrest* or event*)).ti,ab.
19.heart failure.ti,ab.
20.exp stroke/
21.(stroke or strokes or cva or poststroke$ or apoplexy or “cerebrovascular accident”).ti,ab.
22.((cerebro$ or brain or brainstem or cerebral$) adj3 (infarct$ or accident$)).ti,ab.
23.exp dyslipidemia/
24.exp hyperlipidemia/
25.(hyperlipid?emia* or dyslipid?emia*).ti,ab.
26.exp drinking behavior/
27.exp alcoholism/
28.exp alcoholic beverage/
29.exp smoking/
30.exp smokeless tobacco/
31.(smoking or smoker*).ti,ab.
34.exp neoplasm/
35.(cancer* or lymphoma*).ti,ab.
36.exp liver disease/
37.(liver adj3 (disease* or disorder*)).ti,ab.
38.(cirrhosis or fibrosis).ti,ab.
39.exp diabetes mellitus/ or exp glycosuria/ or exp hyperglycemia/ or exp hyperinsulinism/ or exp hypoglycemia/
41.exp enteritis/
43.(bowel adj3 (disease* or disorder*)).ti,ab.
46.exp depression/
47.exp psychological stress/
48.(depress* or dysphori* or dysthym* or melanchol* or seasonal affective*).ti,ab.
50.3 or 49

From: Appendix D, Literature search strategies

Cover of Psoriasis
Psoriasis: Assessment and Management of Psoriasis.
NICE Clinical Guidelines, No. 153.
National Clinical Guideline Centre (UK).
Copyright © National Clinical Guideline Centre - October 2012.

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