Table 64Calcipotriol versus short contact dithranol – Economic study characteristics

StudyLimitationsApplicabilityOther comments
Ashcroft 2000Potentially serious limitations (a)Partially applicable (b)A decision analytic model using a NHS payer perspective.
Bottomley 2007Potentially serious limitations (c)Directly applicable (d)CUA based on indirect published data. Scottish payer perspective.
Oh 1997Potentially serious limitations (e)Partially applicable (f)CUA based on meta-analysis. Canadian payer perspective

Response estimates taken from single RCT417 included in clinical review; relapse estimates taken from RCT225 not included in clinical review. Unclear if time horizon sufficient to capture all downstream effects and costs, resulting in possible insufficient attention paid to treatment failures. Limited sensitivity analysis.


Appropriate population (mild to moderate plaque psoriasis). From UK NHS perspective and 2000 UK pounds. Does not include all relevant comparators for the question. No quality of life assessment.


Sufficient time horizon of 1 year. Important and relevant health outcomes included. Serious limitations in the methodology and source used to generate treatment effect. Source for resource use and unit costs seem reasonable.


Scottish NHS perspective. Appropriate population. Relevant direct health effects and costs considered. Quality of life assessment presumed to use EQ-5D. Interventions appropriate for the guideline.


Sufficient time horizon of 1 year. Unclear if best estimates of resource use, costs and treatment effect used, expert panel used. Costs may now be outdated (1992 and 1995). Limited sensitivity analysis.


Canadian government paying perspective with costs from 1996 price level. Compares calcipotriol to corticosteroids post treatment with betamethasone valerate.

From: 8, Topical therapy

Cover of Psoriasis
Psoriasis: Assessment and Management of Psoriasis.
NICE Clinical Guidelines, No. 153.
National Clinical Guideline Centre (UK).
Copyright © National Clinical Guideline Centre - October 2012.

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