C.10Health economics literature review protocol

Health economics literature review protocol
ObjectivesThe aim is to identify economic studies relevant to the review questions for the guideline set out above
CriteriaPopulations, interventions and comparators as specified in the review protocols above. Must be a relevant economic study design (cost-utility analysis, cost-benefit analysis, cost-effectiveness analysis, cost-consequence analysis, comparative cost analysis)
Search strategySee appendix D, section D.4
Review strategyStudy assessment:
  • NICE economic evaluation checklist{National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence, 2009 NICE2009C /id}
Inclusion/exclusion criteria:
  • If a study is rated as both ‘Directly applicable’ and ‘Minor limitations’ (by economic evaluation checklist) then it should be included in the guideline. An economic evidence table should be completed and it should be included in the economic profile
  • If a study is rated as either ‘Not applicable’ or ‘Very serious limitations’ then it should be excluded from the guideline. It should not be included in the economic profile and there is no need to include an evidence table.
  • If a study is rated as ‘Partially applicable’ and/or ‘Potentially serious limitations’ then there is discretion over whether it should be included. The health economist should make a decision based on the relative applicability and quality of the available evidence for that question. The ultimate aim being to include studies that are helpful for decision making in the context of the guideline.
Also exclude:
  • Unpublished reports
  • Abstract-only studies
  • Letter
  • Editorials
  • Reviews of economic evaluationsb
  • Foreign language articles
Where there is discretion
The health economist should be guided by the following hierarchies.
  • UK NHS
  • OECD countries with predominantly public health insurance systems (e.g. France, Germany, Sweden)
  • OECD countries with predominantly private health insurance systems (e.g. USA, Switzerland)
  • Non-OECD settings (always ‘Not applicable’)
Economic study type:
  • Cost-utility analysis
  • Other type of full economic evaluation (cost-benefit analysis or cost-effectiveness analysis)
  • Comparative cost analyses
  • Cost of illness studies (always ‘Not applicable’)
Year of analysis:
  • The more recent the study, the more applicable it is
Quality of effectiveness data used in the economic analysis:
  • The more closely the effectiveness data used in the economic analysis matches with the studies included for the clinical review the more useful the analysis will be to decision making for the guideline.

Recent reviews will be ordered although not reviewed. The bibliographies will be checked for relevant studies, which will then be ordered.

From: Appendix C, Review protocols

Cover of Psoriasis
Psoriasis: Assessment and Management of Psoriasis.
NICE Clinical Guidelines, No. 153.
National Clinical Guideline Centre (UK).
Copyright © National Clinical Guideline Centre - October 2012.

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