SOCIAL WORKER:Educators are generally working from a menu of options when it comes to accommodations; such-and-such is suggested based on what the child's condition is. Now, this menu is fairly long, as you know, but it's still an Individualized Education Plan. It should still be geared to Elise's specific needs. Don't be afraid to suggest ideas that you've found work for her, even if they aren't “on the form.” Think about what you've done with her in other environments, like at church or in other social activities.
DENISE:Okay. Thanks for your suggestions.
SOCIAL WORKER:You're welcome. Please call me after the meeting and let me know how it goes.
DENISE:I will, thank you.

From: Chapter 3, Clinical Vignettes

Cover of Addressing Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD)
Addressing Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD).
Treatment Improvement Protocol (TIP) Series, No. 58.
Center for Substance Abuse Prevention (US).

NCBI Bookshelf. A service of the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.