Table 3.45Duration of the second stage of labour in nulliparous and parous women

StudyNEpidural analgesia (%)Reference pointsMedian duration (minutes)5th percentile (minutes)95th percentile (minutes)
Paterson 1992 (143)82700.010 cm or urge to bear down45NRNR
Oladapo 2018 (62)21660.010 cm to birth143.065
Zhang 2002 (18)11624810 cm to birth5318138a
Zhang 2010 (16)2152410010 cm to birth66NR216
Zhang 2010 (16)41000.010 cm to birth36NR168
Mean duration (minutes)SD (minutes)+2SD (minutes)
Abdel-Aleem 1991 (144)1750.0Undefined432491*
Albers 1996 (63)347NR10 cm to birth5347147
Albers 1999 (64)8060.010 cm to birth5446146
Chen 1986 (145)5000.0Undefined43NRNR
Dlegmann 2000 (African-American women) (146)3730.010 cm to birth322378a
Dlegmann 2000 (Puerto-Rican women) (146)1570.010 cm to birth4433110a
Dior 2013 (147)12631NRUndefined78NRNR
Dulgnan 1975 (148)4370.010 cm or urge to bear down42NRNR
Jones 2003 (65)1200.0Undefined5443140a
Juntunen 1994 (58)4242.9Undefined202060a*
Kilpatrick 1989 (67)2 0320.010 cm to birth5439132a
Lee 2007 (68)660.0Undefined5434122a
Schiff 1998 (66)69NR10 cm to birth6636138a
Schorn 1993 (69)18NRUndefined6654174
Shi 2016 (149)1091NRUndefined11650216
Studd 1973 (150)1760.0Undefined46NRNR
Studd 1975 (151)1944.1Undefined40NRNR
Wusteman 2003 (152)660.0Undefined36546
StudyNEpidural analgesia (%)Reference pointsMedian duration (minutes)5th percentile (minutes)95th percentile (minutes)
Oladapo 2018 (P = 1) (62)14880.110 cm to birth11265
Oladapo 2018 (P = 2+) (62)19520.010 cm to birth11258
Zhang 2010 (P = 1) (16)1264910010 cm to birth24NR120
Zhang 2010 (P = 1) (16)4106010 cm to birth12NR76
Zhang 2010 (P = 2+) (16)1221810010 cm to birth18NR96
Zhang 2010 (P = 2+) (16)4001010 cm to birth6NR66
Mean duration (min)SD (min)+2SD (min)
Abdel-Aleem 1991 (144)3720.0Undefined291661a
Albers 1996 (63)602NR10 cm to birth172057a
Albers 1999 (64)17050.010 cm to birth182364a
Dior 2013 (P = 1 to 4) (147)27252NRUndefined21NRNR
Dior 2013 (P = 5+) (147)4112NRUndefined16NRNR
Duignan 1975 (148)8690.010 cm or urge to bear down17NRNR
Gibb 1982 (153)749NRUndefined17NRNR
Jones 2003 (65)1200.0Undefined222878a
Juntunen 1994 (P = 2/3) (58)422.4Undefined8.75.5NR
Juntunen 1994 (GM) (58)429.5Undefined6516a
Kilpatrick 1989 (67)37670.010 cm to birth192161a
Paterson 1992 (143)131590.0Undefined192161
Schiff 1998 (66)94NRUndefined302478a
Schorn 1993 (69)30NRUndefined242472
Studd 1973 (150)2640.0Undefined22NRNR
Studd 1975 (151)3224.3Undefined19NRNR
Wusteman 2003 (152)710.0Undefined162158a

GM: grand multiparity; NR: not reported; P: parity; SD: standard deviation; a Values estimated by systematic review authors

Source: Abalos et al., 2018 (52).

From: 3., Evidence and recommendations

Cover of WHO recommendations: Intrapartum care for a positive childbirth experience
WHO recommendations: Intrapartum care for a positive childbirth experience.
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